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[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

GM1JWC > ALL      24.05.09 11:21l 43 Lines 1820 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 58260_VK2TV
Subj: good
Sent: 090524/0959Z @:VK2TV.#MNC.NSW.AUS.OC #:58260 [Kempsey, QF68JX] $:58260_VK
To  : ALL@WW

ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo oooooooo

Choice, is with YOU! - GOOD day, or BAD day?

	.. chosen?  

Then, since nobody wants the BAD day; it can be REJECTED!
What will be done, to ensure this 'GOOD' day, will live up to its name?
Some form of activity will be required from you; to make from just a DAY ..
happens, a GOOD day!

.. will this GOOD day, be for you alone, or are you dwelling on, some form 
of sharing?  Should you hit it lucky, and you are feeling bumptious about
it, then, of a surety, you WILL, want to share it?  Won't you?  Will it be 
enough to sit back, hands clasped at the back of your head .. and think! .. 
"what a lovely day."  What do you see, that has composed .. this day?

What? Where? Who? .. triggered off, this GOOD day - does it take place,
every day for you?  Can anyone do it?  'I do get, one or two bad days -
but, not that often, and this good, sounds .. rather cheerful, really?'
Would you be satisfied with a GOOD day?  You wouldn't want to decorate
it with things like .. marvellously, very, awfully?  would you ..?
Could you, loan it out, to another, if you are not using it ..........?

Imagine what a BAD day might be like, IF 
	Reality rules! .. and there were no GOOD days about?
		so, give the recipe, to whoever would like it.
			then, YOU, can always get a Copy of it!

Good has always been there; it isn't going anywhere; should you forget
about it - don't get panicky, it's NOT going to go away.  It isn't a
PIN number that you are constantly forgetting, and having to get, yet, 
another replacement!  If you should want it, on the spur, then .. put
it slap bang where you can always see it?

Surely, I don't have to tell you everything ...........?

				weird mullins, Esq.

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