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VK7AX  > NEWS     05.04.09 04:35l 697 Lines 24363 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: VK7 Regional News Broadcast for 5 April 2009
Sent: 090405/0125Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:65400 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7A





A summary of the events across VK7 in the next month:

REAST – April 8, 15, 22 & 29th – ATV Experimenter's Nights – 7:30pm 
Queens Domain Club rooms.

NTARC – April 8th - Jason VK7ZJA will be talking about DSL technologies 
- Alanvale Polytechnic at 7.30pm.

TARGA TASMANIA – April 28th to May 3rd.

NWTARIG – May 2nd – General Meeting Penguin Lions club rooms

NTARC – May 13th -  Royal Flying Doctor Service depot – 
Launceston Airport at 7:30pm with Ian VK7KIH.



28 April to 3 May

Gavin VK7HGO lets us know that he is looking for people to help out in 
the field of Communications with this event.

You could be manning a repeater, running a "Safety on Stage" (S.O.S.) or 
"Radio Point" (RP) or a Road Close Radio Point (RCRP).

A special call does go out to our Northern Amateur friends for the following:

I do need two teams of two people on Wednesday 29 April to man two repeaters, 
the repeaters are on stages where you can see the cars go by.

This event is open to all amateurs and friends.

If you would like more details please call Gavin VK7HGO on the North / South 
link or Ph. 62724437 or Mobile: 0407724431 or Email: vk7hgo(AT)

Many Thanks

(Gavin O'Shea, VK7HGO)



North West Tasmania Amateur Television Group

Work on the finalization of an Amateur Radio Promotional Package has been 
continuing and is almost complete.  
The Club is preparing a package as an information kit and intends to 
introduce it to the schools in the N/West Area with a view to encouraging 
youth into the hobby.

The Club is again recording the VK7 Regional News Broadcast for later mp3 
download or playback as an audio stream on demand. 
The broadcast should be available by approx. 12 midday on the day of the 
actual broadcast. 

The exception to this is when it has been supplied as an mp3 audio file 
when it will be available immediately the broadcast concludes. 
So listeners if you have been unfortunate to miss the VK7 Regional News 
Broadcast or ANY broadcasts for that matter, they are available for 
download OR audio Stream on demand 24/7.

For people interested in all broadcast information , including local 
frequencies, we suggest you check the SPECTRUM Web Page and the link can be 
found on the email and internet editions of this broadcast.

http// or the Club's Home Page.

For those interested in general information about The North West Tasmania 
Amateur Television Group, please visit the Club's WIA web Page under VK7 Clubs.

73's until next time

(Tony VK7AX, President NWT-ATV Group)


North West Tasmanian Amateur Radio Interest Group

On Saturday 28th of March 2009, NWTARIG held a Special General Meeting at 
the Penguin Lions club rooms to discuss concerns raised about the status 
of some of the retired members who voted at the AGM in January.

A motion was put declaring the original vote null and void, and called for 
immediate new elections. The motion was carried.

As a result of the new elections the club committee is as follows:

President ­ David SpicerVK7EX

Vice president ­ Dick Whatley VK7FORF

Secretary ­ David Cleland VK7DC

Treasurer ­ Vernon French VK7VF

Committee person - Eric Edwards VK7FEJE

The new committee would like to thank the outgoing president, 
Anne Landers VK7BYL, for her service during the unclear interim period.

The meeting also glowingly endorsed the new meeting venue at the Penguin Lions 
club rooms, praising it for being spacious, well appointed with all 
facilities required for meetings and social events.

The next general meeting of NWTARIG has been brought forward to the 2nd of 
May 2009 to consider proposals on a possible name change, and to make the 
club an incorporated body. 
This allow members time to consider the options before voting at a Special 
General meeting called for 30th May 2009.

A general meeting held also on 28th March 2009 and was attended by 19 members 
and 4 visitors, with 2 apologies and 5 new members welcomed to the club.

(David Cleland, VK7DC, Secretary, NWTARIG)



Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club

Our next meeting is going to be this Wednesday at Alanvale Polytechnic at 
7.30pm, where Jason VK7ZJA will be talking about DSL technologies.  
The following meeting will be on at Launceston Airport on Wednesday the 
13th of May, at 7.30pm, at the Royal Flying Doctor Service depot, 
where Ian VK7KIH will explain the RFDS network and also have a famous 
Traeger HF radio to display.

Hopefully there will be a few new squid pole HF verticals radiating in to 
the ionosphere after yesterdays build session at Hollybank. 

Hope everyone enjoyed the day and that you end up with a versatile and 
effective antenna.

Also, do you know anyone who wants a Foundation Manual?  
Let Jason VK7ZJA know if you do… we have 5 of these manuals arriving shortly, 
but if we need more, we'll get them in for you.

Thanks from

(Jason, VK7ZJA, NTARC Secretary)


Southern News

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania

REAST's April Presentation

Gavin VK7HGO gave a very informative and illustrated talk on all that is 
involved in the communications for Targa Tasmania – the premier Australian 
Tarmac rally.

From the start of a stage in the early morning through the re-opening of 
the road Gavin, took the group through what each team does for comms, 
equipment, safety, and many other aspects prior to the "talent" read 
competitors hurtle through the stage…HIHI.

Everything is highly organised and the amount of work that goes into every 
aspect is mind-boggling. You just need to take a look at the running book 
which Gavin handed around and the amount of detail that is in each one for 
each stage and you get an appreciation.

The presentation was videoed and will be shown at a future ATV night for 
those who missed it.

Thanks Gavin.

(Justin, VK7TW)


Education and Training

Congratulations to Garry Wilmott who has received his callsign after recent 
assessments and is VK7VMS. We look forward to hearing on the air soon.

If you would like to participate in a future training and/or assessment 
and the assessment could be for any licence (foundation, standard, advanced 
or practical) then let Reg VK7KK know on mobile: 0417 391 607 
or email: regemm(AT)

(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)


ATV Experimenters Night

We get back underway this Wednesday night around 7:30pm for another night 
of analog 70cm and digital 23cm ATV.

We will be playing the remainder of the secret life of machines series 
and will be going out on both analog and digital ATV.

We now have predictive propagation maps for the digital ATV transmitter 
that we will be using as the basis for the field tests over the next 
few weeks.

How do you receive analogue ATV on an ATV night well, ATV goes out 
on 444.25MHz (Channel 16) – just below SBS on the UHF TV Band. 
You will need an antenna with some gain pointed toward the Domain to 
receive our signal so, why not try tuning down the low end of the UHF 
TV band and give us a call on what you are seeing and hearing.

See you there.

(73, Justin, VK7TW)



ACMA calling on boat owners to double check they are equipped to operate 
VHF marine radios

The Australian Communications and Media Authority is calling on boat 
owners and users to double check that they hold a certificate of proficiency 
to operate their VHF marine radio.

VHF marine radios provide a valuable means of keeping in contact with 
other vessels and coast stations, particularly at times when the weather 
changes or when assistance is needed.

The number of vessels on Australian waterways is increasing. 
The proportion of boats that are fitted with marine radios is also 
increasing as more competitively priced equipment has led to an increase 
in the use of radios on boats and other craft.

`The stark warning is simply this - many boat owners who do not hold an 
operator's certificate may not realise they are breaking the law when they 
operate their VHF marine radios,' said Chris Chapman, ACMA Chairman.

Channel 16 is designated, internationally, as the emergency and calling 
channel for ships and small craft. A vessel's crew may use channel 16 to 
call other vessels and coast stations but once communication has been 
established, the operators must change to a working channel to continue 
the conversation. This ensures channel 16 remains available for emergency 
situations and other calls.

`Operators who hold an appropriate operator's certificate of proficiency 
know about calling protocols and how the channels are used. 
Unfortunately, there are operators who are not qualified and not familiar 
with correct operating procedures and, as a result, are disrupting 
That simple behaviour further threatens safety of life,' said Mr Chapman.

Operation of radio transceivers, on the VHF IMM channels, is governed by 
conditions set by ACMA. 
These conditions specify that operators must be qualified and hold an 
appropriate certificate. 
This certificate must be either the Marine Radio Operators VHF Certificate 
of Proficiency (MROVCP) or the more comprehensive Marine Radio Operators 
Certificate of Proficiency (MROCP).

Marine Radio - Choices and Changes

Maritime Ship Station - 27 MHz and VHF.

(Sourced from the ACMA website - media releases)


DX News

ANTARCTICA. Felix, DL5XL is a member of German team over wintering from 
Neumayer III and is active as DP1POL until early 2010. 
He is active mostly on 40 and 20 meters using CW. QSL via DL1ZBO.

MELLISH REEF, VK9M. Operators George, AA7JV and Tomi, HA7RY are QRV as 
VK9GMW until April 6. Activity is on all HF bands. QSL via HA7RY.

CHRISTMAS ISLAND, VK9X. Haru, JA1XGI will be QRV as JA1XGI/VK9 until 
April 11. Activity is on all HF bands using CW and digital modes. 
QSL to home call.

(ARRL Mailing List)



ACMA releases review of spectrum licensing technical frameworks

The Australian Communications and Media Authority on 3 April released 
a discussion paper as part of a review of the technical frameworks that 
apply to spectrum licences.

The first spectrum licensing technical framework was created in 1996 
for the 500 MHz band. Since then, nine further technical frameworks 
have been created for the various spectrum licensed bands.

The objective of the review is to ensure that ACMA is consistently 
applying appropriate spectrum management methodologies to current 
technical frameworks with a view to improving the processes in the 
development of technical frameworks into the future.

The discussion paper is available from the link that can be found on 
the email and internet editions of this broadcast and the closing date 
for comment is 12 June 2009.

The discussion paper, Spectrum Licensing Technical Frameworks Review, 
is available on the ACMA website.

Submissions should be sent to tfreview(AT)

(Sourced from the ACMA website - media releases)


Technology News

Where gadgets go when they die – "E"-Waste

Brian X. Chen from lets us know what happens to your technology 
item dies or what is now being called "E-Waste".

Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency came under fire for 
allowing U.S. tech companies to export millions of pounds of hazardous, 
used electronics to Asian countries where they are recycling with a lot 
less environmental oversight.

Negative press, new e-waste legislation and a depressed economy are 
pressuring tech manufacturers into assuming far greater recycling 
responsibly to show they're part of the green movement. As a bonus, 
domestic recycling lets them save some money on materials, 
such as precious metals, while they're at it. 
Manufacturers who handle recycling responsibly in the United States 
work with professional facilities like this one, where old gadgets are 
dismantled using a part-man, part-mechanical process.

With 15 locations in the United States, Sims Recycling Solutions is 
one of the world's largest electronics scrap recyclers. 
Pictured here is the "demanufacturing" center of the company's 
Roseville, California facility, where workers disassemble everything 
from printers, cameras and computers to Jumbotrons for their reusable 
The facility receives roughly 150,000 pounds of used electronics a day.

Follow along for a photographic tour of the Sims facility, where you'll 
learn exactly what happens to unwanted gadgets as they're dismantled, 
their components sorted and their raw materials melted down for scrap.

Workers separate parts into bins based on their materials as well as 
whether they have metal in them, and, if so, what kind of metal. 
There are roughly 60 full-time workers at Sims who handle disassembly; 
the nature of their jobs require them to attend monthly, 
company-sponsored safety meetings. 
Parts that are too difficult to dismantle by hand are separated 
and sent to the onsite shredder for grinding and separation using 
various automated technologies.

"New" junk arrivals roll in on a conveyor belt, and workers throw the 
gadgets into their respective boxes. 
Sims employees say they occasionally receive some awesome antiques, 
such as the 8-bit Commodore 64 home computer.

(Sourced from the Wired.Com website)

[Ed] The editor adds that there is a e-waste recycling centre in 
Tasmania that he knows about that breaks the technology into its 
recyclable components and ships these to the mainland.


2009 International Year of Astronomy

Around the world in 80 telescopes

The 100 Hours of Astronomy event, which will see literally millions of 
eyes around the world trained skyward, kicked off last Thursday April 2. 
But people can take part in two of the major events of the 100 Hours 
without leaving the comfort of home.

The online webcast – "Around the World in 80 Telescopes", will take 
viewers inside the most high-tech professional observatories both on 
and off the planet, while the 100 Hours of Remote Astronomy allows 
members of the public control of a telescope online.

It started at 8pm Australian Eastern Daylight time on Friday April 3. 
The webcast will began with observatories on Mauna Kea in Hawaii and 
move west across New Zealand, Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, 
Antarctica and the Americas, finishing on the west coast of the US.

All the details are posted at the links that can be found on the 
email and internet editions of this broadcast.

Five Australian telescopes will be featured –

CSIRO's Parkes telescope (NSW),

the Anglo-Australian Telescope (NSW),

the Mount Pleasant radio telescope of the University of Tasmania,

the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (near Canberra), 
and the Australian International Gravitational Observatory (WA).

Other observatories include the Kepler Mission, the Hubble Space 
Telescope, and the IceCube Neutrino Telescope at the South Pole.

The timetable is available on the website and the preliminary 
schedule states that the UTAS - Mt Pleasant Telescope will 
feature on 4th April at 0100Z

The International Year of Astronomy 2009 is the 400th anniversary 
of Galileo turning a telescope to the heavens. 
It is a celebration of the science, history and cultural impact 
of astronomy, and of humanity's common heritage of the night sky. 
IYA is coordinated globally by the International Astronomical 
Union and endorsed by the United Nations.

(Posted by Paul Jackson via the Astronomy Society of Tasmania Mailing List)


Space Weather

It's Official – The Sun has lost it's Spots!

Even though it was April 1st, it wasn't a joke - NASA announced that 
the sun has plunged into the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century. 
Sunspots have all but vanished and consequently the sun has become 
very quiet.

In 2008, the sun had no spots 73% of the time, a 95-year low. In 2009, 
sunspots are even more scarce, with the "spotless rate" jumping to 87%. 
We are currently experiencing a stretch of 25 continuous days 
uninterrupted by sunspots--and there's no end in sight.

This is a big event, but it is not unprecedented. Similarly deep solar 
minima were common in the late-19th and early-20th centuries, 
and each time the sun recovered with a fairly robust solar maximum. 
That's probably what will happen in the present case, 
although no one can say for sure. 
This is the first deep solar minimum of the Space Age, and the first 
one we have been able to observe using modern technology. 
Is it like others of the past? Or does this solar minimum have its own 
unique characteristics that we will discover for the first time as the 
cycle unfolds?  These questions are at the cutting edge of solar physics.

You can monitor the progress of solar minimum with a new "Spotless Days 
Counter" on 
Instead of counting sunspots, we're counting no sunspots…HIHI.

Daily updated totals tell you how many spotless days there have been 
in a row, in this year, and in the entire solar cycle. 
Comparisons to historical benchmarks put it all in perspective.

You can find the links and further information on the email and internet 

editions of this broadcast.

(Sourced from the Space Weather News Mailing list)


Weird and Wonderful

Did you know Vampires know CW!!

Thanks to Graham VK7ZGK who put me onto a film that is currently running 
at the State Cinema in North Hobart.

The film is a Swedish Vampire movie in the horror genre. 
It is written by John Lindqvist and the story centres on the relationship 
between a 13-year-old boy, Oskar, and a 200-year-old vampire child, Eli. 
It takes place in Blackeberg, a working class suburb of Stockholm, 
in the early '80s in the middle of winter.

What does this have to do with CW or Morse Code, I hear you ask!!

Well, Oskar uses morse code so he can communicate with his new friend 
whilst it is daylight through the wall. 
CW is used in many places throughout the film for communications between 
these two main characters.

Those who follow the vampiric legends would know that sunlight is not 
something that is conducive to being a vampire…HIHI.

The film's name is Let the Right One In and was released in 2008 to 
critical acclaim by director Tomas Alfredson.

Small warning it is rated MA15+ due to the strong horror themes.

(Justin, VK7TW & Graham VK7ZGK)



A Salute to Marconi

A bright young man named Marconi

Put aside his Milanese macaroni

And away in the dark

Let fly with a spark

He used Morse before telephony!

(73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH)

PS. A post real quick, just a small limerick

Gets a smile worth more than some mo-ney

(Sourced from the VK-VHF Mailing List)


Web & Email Edition Extra Bits!!

Green Wheel Turns Bike Electric

Maths Software: for Physics

The following links are sourced from CG Communicator:

Specy Pics

Old Radio Shack catalogs from 1941 forward, great nostalgia:

Extreme sheep herding. The subject of this video provides an excellent 
opportunity to combine real video footage with genuine video 

FM Antennas Inside

When does an omni antenna become a DA?

Angled numbers, just for fun. This is a pps file so click or hit a key 
to advance pages:

Cold ("desktop") fusion, the quasi-science that never dies. 
A short status report:

In September 1859, the entire Earth was engulfed in a gigantic cloud 
of seething gas, and a blood-red aurora erupted across the planet 
from the poles to the tropics. Around the world, telegraph systems 
crashed, machines burst into flames and electric shocks rendered 
operators unconscious. Victorian magnetometers were driven off scale.

Do you have some interesting amateur related sites you have some across 
in the last week – send them in to justingc(AT)


VK7 Regional News Group Email Addresses

Post message: vk7regionalnews(AT)

Subscribe: vk7regionalnews-subscribe(AT)

Unsubscribe: vk7regionalnews-unsubscribe(AT)

List owner: vk7regionalnews-owner(AT)

VK7 Virtual BPL Tours Update - Mt Nelson - North Hobart - RU ready for BPL?


If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or 
upgrading your licence then we suggest you contact your local club for 
details and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics School 
has to offer. They have a range of courses that can be delivered 
through a variety of methods.

They can be found at:


Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next week's 

Newsreader: VK7TW

160m: VK7DM

80m: VK7EM

40m: VK7RO

20m: VK7IL

10m: VK7ZGK



Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with this broadcast.



AT 0930 HOURS.


VK7 Regional Broadcast & News Coordinator
Justin Giles-Clark, VK7TW


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