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VK7AX  > NEWS     01.02.09 02:40l 655 Lines 24514 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : VK7AX-0102VK
Subj: VK7 Regional News Broadcast for 1 February 2009
Sent: 090201/0029Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:60836 [Ulverstone] FBB7.00g $:VK7A


FOR SUNDAY 1st FebruarY 2009


ACMA/WIA Sign Contract

For WIA Management of Certain Amateur Licensing Functions

On 28 January 2009, Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) 
Chairman Chris Chapman signed a Deed between ACMA and the 
Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA). The Deed sets out the conditions 
under which the WIA will manage amateur examinations, the issue of 
certificates of proficiency and callsign recommendations for the next 5 
or (at the WIA's option) 10 years.

From Monday 2 February 2009, the WIA will issue amateur certificates of 
proficiency, in addition to conducting amateur examinations 
(including special examinations). An Assessor Alert will be issued and 
other information about examinations will be published on the WIA website 
before 2 February 2009.

ACMA will continue to issue callsigns until Friday 27 February 2009. 
From Monday 2 March 2009, the WIA will become responsible for the 
management of all levels of amateur callsigns, including special, 
repeater and beacon callsigns. Under the new arrangements, all amateurs 
wishing to be issued a callsign must apply to the WIA for a callsign 
recommendation. Upon application, the WIA will provide a recommendation 
for an appropriate callsign and issue a letter to the applicant. 
This letter will be a necessary part of ACMA's amateur transmitter 
licence application process.

It is anticipated that a list of all callsigns available for selection 
will be placed on the WIA website before 2 March 2009. 
This list will be accompanied by a release setting out full details of 
the new callsign-recommendation process.

Further details of the new arrangements will be posted shortly on the 
ACMA and WIA websites.

Queries may be directed to the WIA National Office, or to ACMA by email 
at lais(AT)

(Michael Owen VK3KI, President of the WIA)




Sunday March 22nd is the day for you to be at Ross for the next 
"Meet the Voice BBQ" and this year incorporating the "Sewing Circle Net BBQ" 
which was a very popular annual event in it's own right, many thanks to 
VK7DY for his hosting in previous years.

Thanks to Ray VK7VKV and his immediate offer to arrange a Car Boot Sale 
for you on the day, a good opportunity for you to rid yourself of 
pre-loved items. No charge. What you get for your sale is yours.

If you wish to contact Ray through the daily "Sewing Circle Net" 
I will make sure he gets your message if he is not on air at the 
time you call.

Do you have any ideas of what you would like to have incorporated in 
the day for entertainment and interest, if so give me a call on air  
or 64287768  I will be pleased to hear from you. 
We have some new ideas and we would be pleased to accommodate yours 
on the day if possible.

From listening to members it would appear that even more are intending 
to make an early arrival at Ross, so our day will certainly be of 
financial benefit to the Ross community. Make your own arrangements 
for accommodation or camping. Our usual area has been booked to be 
available from Friday through to Monday.

Sunday March 22nd is the day with registration from 10-AM.

(Don, VK7AY)


Meet the Voice - Bargain Boot Bonanza

Do you have pre-loved amateur radio related equipment that is surplus 
to requirements?  If so, do we have a fantastic opportunity for you?  
As part of the the Sewing Circle/Meet the Voice BBQ at Ross on 22nd March, 
a Bargain Boot Bonanza has been organised to allow you to part with the 
equipment you no longer have room or use for.

Participation is covered in your registration fee, the only condition is 
that you provide your own car boot or table on which to display the 
treasures, and that you don't begin offering the bargains for sale 
until 12.00 midday so as not to detract from the other organised events 
on the day.  Hams are always looking for a bargain so this is a great 
opportunity to do a deal. Look forward to seeing you there.

(Ray VK7VKV)



And a summary of the events across VK7 in the next few months:

NTARC – February 11th – Annual General Meeting – 7:30pm Alanvale TAFE college.

REAST – February 11th, 18th  &, 25th – ATV Experimenter's Night 
      – Queens Domain Clubrooms – 7:30pm.

REAST – March 15th – REAST AGM and BYO BBQ from 10:30am.

Meet the Voice and Sewing Circle BBQ – March 22nd 
– Ross Caravan Park - Starts 10:00am



Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club

The next meeting for NTARC is, of course, our AGM.  If you've ever thought 
that you'd like to do something more for the club, here's your chance!  
Come along and nominate for a position and make a real difference.  
The AGM is to be held at Alanvale TAFE on Wednesday the 11th of Feb, 
with signs pointing the way to the meeting room as our usual locale in 
Block B is unavailable.

Also a quick reminder that membership fees are due for 2009 
– please see Ann VK7FYBG if you have any questions or queries about this.

Another box of call books has been ordered and should be arriving early 
this week.  We again expect these to go like hotcakes, so if you have yet 
to reserve your copy, do so pronto!

The Scanning Tasmania group is having a friendly DX competition at the moment, 
which will run until the 12th of March so you have plenty of time to 
participate.  The competition focuses on the AM broadcast band and is 
strictly for fun – no prizes, no glory, just good old-fashioned fun.  
If you'd like to know a bit more, visit the scanning Tasmania website: and navigate your way to the forum and then to 
the HF/Shortwave section.

Thanks from

(Jason, VK7ZJA, NTARC Secretary)


Southern News

Maatsuyker Net Closes

Given suitable weather conditions for chopper operations, Tad VK2LNX and 
Suzy VK2FSMJ will be departing their temporary home on Maatsuyker Island 
on Tuesday, at the end of their stint as Caretakers. 
Tad tells us they have become quite attracted to the island and leave with 
mixed feelings to return to the big island and from there the even 
bigger island.

The final, for now, Maatsuyker net occurred last Thursday evening. 
Once Tad had organised his rig and antenna, the net happened every Thursday 
evening with Tad reporting in on all but one of them. He's had a constant 
battle to keep his G5RV antenna operational, losing the fight three weeks 
ago when it was wrecked beyond repair causing him to miss the sked.  
Since then he's used the station marine HF antenna which just scapes in 
on 80 metres.

Numbers reporting in varied each week but regulars were VK7s ARN, JGD, MAX 
and FEET, with occasional drop ins by FCDW, AN, FMPR, EE, TPE, HSE and 
Andy VK7WS from Cape Bruny

The regulars hope to meet up face to face with Tad and Suzy in Hobart 
next week.

The WICEN group thanks the WIA's Clubs Coordinator Ted Thrift VK2ARA 
for introducing us to Tad and Suzy prior to their departure for OC-233.

(Roger, VK7ARN)


Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania

Wednesday Afternoon Group

The Wednesday Lunch Time Group has completed the clean up of the back room 
in the shed at the Domain Clubrooms. All the redundant, unwanted and 
preloved equipment has been sorted through and taken away. 
Thanks to Richard King and Ken VK7DY for removing the bulk of the rather 
large pile and providing the transport.

As a result of this REAST is now looking for a 12 foot aluminium ladder 
to replace the very much sub standard ladder frame that was being used. 
If you have a suitable small ladder or foldable step ladder, in your back shed, 
that is in good safe condition, and it is looking for a new home, 
let Dave VK7DM know.

The work bench in the back shed is now easily accessible and boasts a 
good range of test equipment and components.  So, if you need assistance 
with a project bring it along when the Clubrooms are open, and utilise the 
facility and obtain the assistance and technical knowledge of other members 
if required.

(Dave, VK7DM)


AGM & Membership Reminder

The REAST committee wishes to advise that the Association's annual general 
meeting will be held on Sunday 15th March at 10:30am at the REAST clubrooms 
following the broadcast. After the AGM there will be a BYO barbecue lunch. 
The current occupants of the positions of treasurer, secretary and both 
general committee members will be not be re-nominating so please think 
about whom you would like to nominate for any positions on the committee, 
or if you would like to be nominated. Nomination forms are available on 
the REAST website.

It's a new year so the 2009 subscriptions are due. This year if you are 
paying your subscription by direct deposit your receipt number and transfer 
description must be written on your renewal form so that payments can be 
easily identified. A new renewal form is available on the REAST website 
and at the clubrooms that includes all the information required.

Furthermore, many members have changed their call signs in the last year with 
the two letter call sign ballot and for other reasons so if your call sign 
has changed in the last year please make sure this is clearly marked on 
your renewal form.

(REAST Committee)


Education and Training

Reg VK7KK lets us know that they are looking to schedule a Foundation 
training event in late February.

So if you are interested in attending the Foundation Licence training or 
sitting any of the amateur radio assessments (foundation, standard, 
advanced or practical) then let Reg VK7KK know on mobile: 0417 391 607 
or email: regemm(AT)

(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)


ATV Experimenters Night

Another great night happened last Wednesday night which was cram packed 
with activities. We had Frank back behind the camera and was our video 
and audio switcher for the night.

Richard VK7RO has been playing with 2650 emulators for some of the programs 
he wrote back in the 70s and 80s and these programs can now be run on 
Richard's windows notebook through these emulators. 
Richard proudly showed us some of his handy work.

We have the start of an ATV Library with a list of the DVDs and programs 
we currently have in our library. We have well over 50 DVDs of many 
public domain programs, short takes and many other programs for ATV. 
A list will be made available on the REAST website - members page over 
the next couple of weeks.

The other interesting story related by Justin VK7TW who has become 
interested in measuring ionising radiation and was in relation to an 
interesting find at a Rome market from the GeigerCounter mailing list. 
A green looking rock was purchased for about $8. This rock was tested under 
the Geiger Counter and it went into overload. The rock was actually 
Torbenite which contains Uranium Oxide and was estimated to be worth 
three to four times what it was purchased for.

We featured Episode 19 of which included the Capitol City 
Hamfest and some of the forums that were presented at the Hamfest 
which includes – the Press & Peel PCB process, QRP, intro to ham radio and 
boatanchors. The hosts even interviewed Martin F Jue who is the founder 
of MFJ! After we viewed some live feed from the 
satellite feed.

After retiring to the clubrooms for tea and coffee - Graham VK7ZGK and 
Richard VK7RO located the issue with the disappearing display on the 
club's TS930 HF transceiver.

So a productive night with some great activities.

How do you receive ATV on an ATV night well, ATV goes out on 444.25MHz 
(Channel 16) – just below SBS on the UHF TV Band. You will need an antenna 
with some gain pointed toward the Domain to receive our signal so, why not 
try tuning down the low end of the UHF TV band and give us a call on what 
you are seeing and hearing.

We get back underway on Wednesday Feb 11th around 7:30pm.

See you there.

(73, Justin, VK7TW)


DX News

The Frozen Continent – Reminder

Bob, VK0BP is currently working at Antarctic Davis Base Station, IOTA AN-016, 
until November 1. Activity is on the HF bands during his spare time.  
He is generally active on 20 meters from 1500 to 1800z using SSB and PSK31.  
He may also be active using other modes as well. QSL via VK2CA.

(ARRL DX Mailing List)


Satellite News

Beta Testers Required

Susan, VK3ANZ via the AMSAT-VK mailing list puts out a request to iPhone 
and iPod owners to become beta testers of new software to display the track 
and other information about satellite passes on these Apple based devices.

The driver for writing this is to use the capabilities of these platforms 
to provide an 'in the field' tool to show where to point the antenna while 
a satellite is passing over. 
It shows the path of the satellite on its next pass (including times) and 
other information in a similar way to the 'radar' or 'polar' plot in GPredict, 
but also lets you record information such as the uplink and downlink 
frequencies used by each satellite. An option allows the angle that the 
device is being held to be shown on the same display as the satellite track 
so that you can get an good idea of where to point an antenna at any time 
during the pass.

Therefore, if you are interested in testing this software for me and have an 
iPhone or iPod Touch with software version V2.2, then please drop me a note 
at the email address on the email and internet editions of this broadcast.



(Susan, VK3ANZ via the AMSAT-VK Mailing List)


Rescue Radio

Hams Provide Communications as Ice Storms Sweep Across US

The ARRL website carried a story about ham comms support during the recent 
crippling ice accumulation over parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, 
Kentucky, West Virginia and Indiana leaving many residents without power.

The storm that began on Tuesday, January 27 not only brought up to 16 inches 
of snow in some regions, it also brought hams to local Emergency Operations 
Centers, shelters and area Nets as they were activated to service by their 
served agencies.

Utility officials estimated that more than 1.3 million homes and businesses 
across the wide swath of states were without power early Thursday, and they 
warned that it could be mid-February before some customers had power. 
The storm has been blamed for at least 23 deaths.

In Kentucky  - Section Manager Jim Brooks, KY4Z, said his state was hard hit 
by the ice storm, with the western portion taking the brunt of the storm. 
"Communications by landline and cell phone has been non-existent or spotty 
at best. I'm hearing reports that Amateurs are using HF and the local VHF 
repeaters to assist in their communities.

In Arkansas - Delta Division Assistant Director Howard Runions, W4HLR, 
called it a "bad situation". "Most people are without power and phones at 
the present. Runions said that "Communications is out of the question unless 
you have Amateur Radio. Runions said that traffic is being handled by 
ARES personnel: "These ARES members train regularly through the Area 
Wide ARES Net.

For more information please take a look at the links on the email and internet 
editions of this broadcast.


(Sourced from the ARRL Website)


History News

Station celebrates wireless hero

The BBC News Channel on the 23 January 2009 celebrated the 100th anniversary 
of a remarkable morse code event.

The Marconi Wireless Station in south west Cornwall is leading celebrations 
later to honour a man who helped save 1,600 lives 100 years ago.

On 23 January 1909, Jack Binns, from Peterborough, was a wireless operator 
on board the liner The Republic.

He stayed at his post for 36 hours after the ship collided with another boat, 
repeatedly sending out the first wireless distress signal in morse code.

The passengers and crew of both vessels were eventually rescued.

David Barlow, from the Lizard Wireless Station, said Mr Binns' cabin had been 
exposed to the elements by the collision: "He sent over 200 messages in that 
time, freezing cold.

"The captain had to send blankets down and hot soup to keep him going, 
but he was a real hero."

After the rescue Mr Binns was offered a position as wireless operator on the 
White Star Line's newest ship, the Titanic.

He turned it down, becoming a newspaper reporter in New York instead.

The Lizard Wireless Station is the world's oldest surviving purpose-built 
radio station.

It received the first long-distance radio signal sent from the Isle of 
Wight to Cornwall on 23 January 1901.

(BBC News Website)


Technology News

Organic Semiconductor Breakthrough Could Speed Flexible Circuits

Neil Savage on the IEEE website lets us know of a interesting development. 
An Illinois company says it has made the first practical complementary 
polymer circuits

Researchers at Polyera Corp. in the US, say they've invented a new polymer 
that closes an important gap in the field of printing electronics on plastic. 
The polymer is an organic semiconductor that, unlike other such materials, 
conducts electrons, and this was reported on 21 January 2009 in the online 
version of the journal Nature. Together with existing polymer semiconductors, 
the new material was used to print complementary metal-oxide semiconductor 
(CMOS) circuits, the type that make up today's silicon logic.

Several p-channel semiconductors exist, but "polymeric n-channel 
semiconductors—practical ones—were unknown until our work," 
says Antonio Facchetti, Polyera's chief technology officer.

The challenge was that the material needed not only high mobility but also 
other properties, such as solubility, that allow it to be constituted as an 
ink for printing. This can be difficult because molecular characteristics 
that make a material more soluble can also lower the electron mobility. 

You can read further details and see pictures of this amazing discovery 
at the link on the email and internet editions of this broadcast.

(Via CG Communicator and the IEEE Website)


2009 International Year of Astronomy

Curious Asteroid Flyby reports a newly-discovered asteroid called 2009 BD slowly 
passing by Earth on January 25th only 400,000 miles away. The approximately 
10 meter-wide space rock poses no significant threat, 
but it merits attention anyway:

The orbit of 2009 BD appears to be almost identical to the orbit of Earth. 
2009 BD may be a rare "co-orbital asteroid," circling the sun in 
near-tandem with our planet.

If current measurements of the asteroid's orbit are correct, 2009 BD will 
remain in Earth's neighborhood for many months and possibly years to come. 

Further information can be found on the links on the email and internet 
editions of this broadcast.

( mailing list)


Broadcast Carbon Statement

Please note that there were no trees sacrificed in the creation, 
dissemination or reading of this broadcast, we regret however that an 
extraordinarily large number of electrons were inconvenienced.

(Many Sources – mainly in the internet!)


Web & Email Edition Extra Bits!!

VK5 2m openings last week (Ron VK4DD):

Progress Statement 1909:  One of the great things about America is the 
Model T Ford assembly line shown here in some detail (5-min. video 
courtesy of Ted Storke) Sourced from CG Communicator:

Aircraft Enhancement Articles – (David VK3HZ)

US Digital TV Extension Fails (Source: CG Communicator)

Where the Tooth Fairy takes those baby toofs and what she does with 
those baby toofs

Wearable Toy Piano Shirt – Body Percussion!

Get – interesting Geek Stuff

History of Radiation Detection Instruments

Guide to the SI Units

Macquarie Media Group – withdrawal of undertakings in VK7 & 8

History of VHF Operation in the US

Do you have some interesting amateur related sites you have some across in 
the last week – send them in to justingc(AT)


VK7 Regional News Group Email Addresses

Post message: vk7regionalnews(AT)

Subscribe: vk7regionalnews-subscribe(AT)

Unsubscribe: vk7regionalnews-unsubscribe(AT)

List owner: vk7regionalnews-owner(AT)

VK7 Virtual BPL Tours Update - Mt Nelson - North Hobart - RU ready for BPL?


If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or upgrading 
your licence then we suggest you contact your local club for details 
and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics School has to offer. 
They have a range of courses that can be delivered through a variety 
of methods.

They can be found at:


Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next week's 

Newsreader: VK7RS

160m: VK7DM

80m: VK7ZK

40m: VK7TW

20m: VK7AR

10m: VK7ZGK



Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with this broadcast.





VK7 Regional Broadcast & News Coordinator
Justin Giles-Clark, VK7TW


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