NS2B > ALL 17.12.24 02:52l 145 Lines 5705 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 17195_NS2B
Subj: PCL Packet Net Summary for December 16, 2024
Sent: 241217/0149Z 17195@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24
PCL Packet Net Summary for December 16, 2024
NS2B Bob Penfield, NY (sysop/nco)
N5VLZ Daryl Little Rock, AR (courtesy check)
KB3TEL Mike Stroudsburg, PA
KE3MX Bob Stroudsburg, PA
KX4AC Carl Melbourne, FL
VA7RBP Rick Castlegar, BC
GE All, and welcome to the last PCL Packet Net for 2024.
We'll be off the next 2 weeks for various holidays.
Net will resume Jan 6, 2025.
No early checkins, other than Daryl, he's out due to weather.
Net order will be Bob(PA), Mike, Carl, and whoever else shows up.
Nothing much new to report here. We had been cold and snowy, but
today it warmed up and almost all our snow is gone. Looks like we
won't have a white Christmas.
Nothing new to report on the ham radio front.
Just busy Christmas shopping! hihi
VA7RBP : Rick *** Joined Chat, Topic General
Bob(PA), welcome to the net, tell us about yourself and
how are things?
Bob might've gotten bored waiting for us to start! hihi
Mike, welcome to the net, what's new with you? >>>
KE3MX Bob : GE all! My bud KB3TEL and I just got re-winded with packet, just set up a 2/m node on 145.030 hr in the Poconos. Got abt 2-3" of the white stuff today!
KB3TEL mike : ge bob
KE3MX Bob : sri for delay, my typing sux! LOL
KB3TEL mike : same here wx few inches of snow last nite
no worries, we usually hit a return key to start to indicate we're still breathing
KB3TEL mike : not new to packet, but new nets and axip
and then wehn you're done just enter some 'chicken lips' (>>>) to indicate you're done >>>
KE3MX Bob : ah got it! My first packet net, go easy! LOL
KB3TEL mike : back to you bob
KE3MX Bob : >>>
It's good to have you guys here and you can keep the snow!
although my lady would like a white christmas...
Rick you'll be after Carl
And Carl, how was your week?>>>
KX4AC Carl :
KX4AC Carl : GE all. Definitely no snow here, though it has been chilly on and off.
KX4AC Carl : My biggest news is that I came down with the flu over the weekend and am
KX4AC Carl : currently home in bed with a hacking cough. The cough is always the worst
KX4AC Carl : part of my flu response. So much for flu shots ... got it anyway.
KX4AC Carl : Well, that's about it for tonight. I did want to make sure that
KX4AC Carl : I said hello before the holiday break.
KX4AC Carl : >>>
Sorry to hear that Carl - I hate being sick - hope you get
better before al lthe festivities get into full swing.
Rick, how was your week? >>>
VA7RBP Rick :
VA7RBP Rick : GE Bob and all on NET!
VA7RBP Rick : We've had a bit of snow, off and on, but no accumulation, so far.
VA7RBP Rick : Seasonal nibbling is taking it's usual toll, along with not getting out
VA7RBP Rick : for my walks is starting to crank the weight up, as usual.
VA7RBP Rick : Christmas parties, birthday dinners for GrandKids, going out for lunch
VA7RBP Rick : with friends, and of course Christmas dinner coming up next week...
VA7RBP Rick : Still doing lots of reading (sci-fi books), and working on projects.
VA7RBP Rick : I'm thinking about selling my FT-890 HF rig, and getting into 3D printing.
VA7RBP Rick : But, I still have my trusty IC-756PROIII main radio, to play radio with...
VA7RBP Rick : Today, our hot water tank decided to start leaking...now for a big plumber bill.
VA7RBP Rick : Just try to find a plumber around Christmas time...
VA7RBP Rick : Well, I guess that's all the excitment for the remainder of the year...
VA7RBP Rick : So...I take it this will be the last NET until the NEW YEAR.
VA7RBP Rick : I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! BTU Bob >>>
VA7RBP Rick :
That is correct, the next net will be Jan 6.
Well you know what Daryl says about the definition of HAM, Have Another Meal.
But I feel your pain. My son has gotten into a baking stretch - his latest
offerings have been brownies and sugar cookies - just what a growing boy needs!
I haven't been bitten by the 3D printing bug yet. It does look like fun though.
Water tanks are the worst - it seems the time between the first drips and a full
on flood are about 15 minutes! Well maybe not quite that bad, but they go quick.
That's round 1, back to the top for final comments.
Bob, anything else? >>>
KE3MX Bob :
KE3MX Bob : OK, Bob, gotta ask, whats the max check ins you have gotten ??
maybe 10 - normally we're around 6 to 8 >>>
KE3MX Bob :
KE3MX Bob : Ah, cool! Will try agn for the 6th! 73 all and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ... _._
73 to you Bob, and thanks for checkin' us out!
KE3MX Bob : >>>
Mike, anything else ? >>>
KB3TEL mike : thanks bob, enjoyed checking in
KB3TEL mike : going threw a few nodes here
KB3TEL mike : like to add you to our node list on our bpq
KB3TEL mike : you can email info to kb3tel@ptd.net have a great holiday and see you chat agn on the 6th
KB3TEL mike : >>
FB we could do that! are you on AMPRnet by chance? >>>
KB3TEL mike : negative
KB3TEL mike :
FB - that effects the MAP line you'd use for me - I'll send you an email -
73 and thanks for being here!
Carl, anything more? >>>
KX4AC Carl :
KX4AC Carl : Everyone have a great Christmas and see you all in the new year. 73 >>>
Thanks Carl, Merry Christmas Happ New Year to you
Rick, anything more? >>>
VA7RBP Rick :
VA7RBP Rick : Nope, that's it for me! Everyone have a great holiday. Stay well, 73 until next year, and
VA7RBP Rick : thanks to Bob and Daryl for doing the NET. BTU Bob >>>
VA7RBP Rick :
Thanks for being here Rick - 73
Everyone have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and hope to see you all Jan 6, 2025.
And that's a wrap on the PCL Packet Net for 2024. GN >>>
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