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Packet Radio Mailbox


[San Dona' di P. JN]

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N5VLZ  > ALL      25.06.24 03:04l 252 Lines 7501 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 8101_NS2B
Sent: 240625/0056Z 8101@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24


N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
KX4AC, Carl, Florida
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma
K0WAV, Scott, Arkansas



The PCL Net will take next Monday, July 1, 2024,
OFF, for the Independence Day falls
on Thursday, July 4, this year, so that means a 
4 day holiday weekend for some.

This weekend's Field Day menu included baked, fried, 
and broiled ham (pun intended)(hi hi). Many areas are 
under Excessive Heat Warnings, Heat Advisories, and 
Extreme Heat Stress Index. I don't plan to go outside, 
except to check the mailbox here...the Post Office Box 
run waits until next week. There were Tornado Warnings 
on Sunday in New York, Vermont, and Connecticut...even
one for the Hartford/Newington area, around ARRL HQ. 
That would really be a disaster if they get hit by a

I nearly ran out of food, but was able to get a few 
items yesterday, so that'll last me into the middle 
of July...peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, hot dogs, 
and microwave buttered popcorn. I'll have to wait on 
some cookies or other snacks until next week, but at 
least I have some food.

The new Amateur Extra Class Question pool takes effect 
on July 1...not sure when ARRL will mail out the new they are still trying to fix things from the 
hack nearly 2 months ago. I had trouble with that Exam 
Tools software the last time I tried to set it up. I'm
working getting it set back up, since I'm back to my 
original callsign, now as a vanity.

GE Bob (NY), how was your week?? >>>


GE All!

Just been trying to stay cool here. Had lots of 90+ days 
with high humidity. Today's the first day that it was only 
80s and low humidity.

Didn't do much for Field Day. Went out to a park where the 
local club was setting up and helped drive some grounding 
rods. Then I had to head to Syracuse as we were 'it' for 
watching MJ's mom Saturday.

I'm wondering if HF is ever coming back. Was just looking 
at my heard list. Only 20 stations for today. When things 
are good I'll have 60+

Not much else to report. BTU Daryl >>>


Bob, I didn't do anything for Field Day, either. I'll
be curious as to other stations do. On HF returning,
if it's like "low prices" it may be "never". :P

K0WAV  : Scott *** Joined Chat, Topic General

GE,'ll be after Bob (OK).

GE Carl, how was your week?? >>>


GE All,

Well, a fairly busy week at work and rain on and off 
throughout the week.

Unfortunately, the local packet station (the only one 
I can reach directly) went off the air. I went up to 
check on it, and the PC seemed dead. Except for a power 
light ... nothing. Tried to reset it and power cycle a 
couple of times but, nothing. So after talking with the 
rest of the packet guys around here, it looks like we 
will have to pull the PC, and see if we can repair, or 
replace it. So, not a fun weekend. At least we have telnet
backup for this net. I guess that's all I can think of 
right now. BTU >>>


Carl, FB on the busy work week and the rain, but bummer 
on the packet PC going QRT. Hopefully, you can get that 
repaired or replaced.

GE, Rick, how was your week?? >>>


GE Daryl and all on NET!

No Field Day for me either. I didn't do much radio play all 
week, 40M was crap in the mornings, but our 80M weekday 
evening OLIVIA 16/1K NET was OK.

I managed to solder together a couple of J-Pole antennas, 
and I now have all the parts I need to terminate coax and 
tune and test them....when I get around to it...

I spent this weekend building the new garden shed, and we will 
finish it up next weekend.

Current temps are around 85F, so I have been hiding indoors, 
reading a book...

Well, that's about it, so BTU Daryl >>>


Rick, bummer on the bad band conditions, but at least you got 
something. FB on the antennas, coax, and the garden shed. Our 
hottest part of the year is still 2 months away.

GE Bob (OK), how was your week?? >>>


GE Daryl and all on the net! our weather can be described in 
3 words: HOT, HOT, HOT!

Had a "hybrid" field day. Spent total of about 6-7 hours as an 
individual class "1E", which is QRP from home with battery power. 
Also spent some time with local ham class "3F" station a couple 
of miles from home.

Did only digital FT4/FT8 in both places. FT4 is twice as fast, 
and really keeps you hopping when there is traffic. The ham club 
experience was nice, since it was intended to be an educational 
event for new hams, rather than a "balls to the wall" to get max 

That's about all I have to report, so back to you Daryl >>>


Bob, I heard another ham lament that ARRL has turned it into a 
contest type weekend for contacts, instead of testing EmComm, and 
doing a demo of ham radio for the public.

GE Scott, how was your week?? >>>


GE Daryl and the net.  Weekend was a lot like Bob (OK)  

Several of us in the local club got together in the back of 
field and set up some off grid radios. We spend the day more as 
an Elmer event about antennas, batteries, data modes and the 

We had about 6 hours of good fellowship and good food then broke 
things down and departed. That evening I went over all my 
digital/data mode gremlins and fixed them to make approx. 30 
FT8/FT4 contacts and a couple each of PSK31 and RTTY.

Weather has been hot and dry. On our trip back from my parents 
(btw Mom's surgery was great and she is doing awesome).

On the drive back it was so dry that any bug that hit the windshield 
just disappeared in a puff of dust instead of the typical splat! 
BTU >>>


Scott, FB on FD and FT8 and FT4. Glad to hear your Mom's surgery went
well, and she's recovering nicely. I have no sympathy for the bug
(hi hi), although I hope it didn't mess up the windshield!!

That's it for the first round. back to the top for final comments.
Bob (NY), I'll send out an announcement about the holiday next week.
Thanks again for the use of the BBS...anything else tonight?? >>>


Nothing more Daryl, everyone have a fun and safe Independence Day, 
and stay cool!  73 >>>

73 Bob...see you in 2 weeks.

Carl, anything else?? >>>


Well, based on some emails that I have been exchanging during the 
net, it looks like I volunteered to go pick up the packet station 
PC and see what we can do about it. Not much else. With luck it 
will be back up by the next time we meet. Everyone have a good 
and safe Fourth of July.  73 >>>


73, Carl...GL on getting that PC working again. See you in 2 weeks.

Rick, anything else?? >>>


Nope, that's it for me. Everyone have a great couple of weeks, 73 
until next time. BTU DAryl >>>


73, Rick, thanks for being here...see you in 2 weeks.

Bob (OK), anything else for us?? >>>


Glad to hear Mom is doing ok!

Nothing else to add. Hope everyone has a safe Independence Day!
BTU Daryl>>>

Thanks for being here, Bob...see you in 2 weeks.

Scott, anything else for us?? >>>


Thank to all for the wishes and prayers for my Mom. Everyone have 
a great Independence Day! and remember our Freedom did not come 
FREE!  73 all -- Btu >>>


Scott, thanks for being here, and glad your Mom is OK.

That will do it for tonight's net. Everyone have a safe Independence 
Day, and as Scott said "freedom isn't free". See everyone on July 8.
73 and GN DE N5VLZ >>>

Daryl, N5VLZ -- Little Rock, Arkansas
Please See My QRZ Bio For More Info

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