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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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N5VLZ  > ALL      06.02.24 04:30l 292 Lines 9654 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 2500_NS2B
Sent: 240206/0223Z 2500@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24


N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NT5R, Charley, Missouri (Short Time)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
KX4AC, Carl, Florida
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma
KF5JRV, Scott, Arkansas



This past week was far less eventful, medical
wise, than the week before, with the ER trip.
I am to see my hip surgeon on Thursday, and I
will get both hips and knees X-rayed, to be
sure they're has been 11 weeks since
the surgery. I'll be using transportation via 
my saves money compared to Lyft, but
they only allow 12 round trips per year; never 
mind their AI bot is a bear to work with...I'd 
rather talk to an in person human being to make 
the arrangements. At least it's not so bad with 
Lyft, but they've had a shortage of Lyft drivers 
around here lately. I've been doing quite a bit
of sleeping, from the pain medications. I'm to
see a dentist next Monday, to hopefully fix a
broken tooth in the lower denture plate, which
broke while I was eating a 3 minute small pizza;
and I did microwave the pizza before biting into 
it (hi hi).

I'm now the VHF+ Nets Manager for the Quarter
Century Wireless Association...a ham in south
Texas is the HF Nets Manager. I do two weekly
nets for the QCWA, and one doesn't have to be
a member to checkin to them. I checkin to their
Six Meter Net via Netlogger, as a short time
checkin, as I'm preparing for the Arklatex D-Star
Net at the same time that net is going on. On
another note, I'm looking at possibly starting a 
pun related net on Saturday afternoons, starting 
in March. More details once I get that approved.

The NCVEC issued an errata for the 2024 Extra
Class Question Pool, taking effect on July 1.
One question got dropped, and five got changed.
I'm glad I don't have to mess with that anymore;
although some folks likely will show up at our
exam session in July, having studied the wrong
material. My next session is set for March 9.
The next day, March 10, is the time change back
to Daylight Savings Time. Most net times won't
change, but check with the various NCO's to be
sure. Easter this year is on March 31, so the
PCL will NOT meet on Monday, April 1 (April
Fools Day), but be aware of pranks (hi hi).

I nearly ran out of food, but the icebox is
full now with things like 3 minute pizzas,
4 varieties of pot pies, BBQ beef and pork,
tunafish salad, chicken nuggets, bread, and 
snack sandwich cookies. So, as long as I can 
keep power, I won't need to order out again 
until March. There isn't much to the pot pies, 
but they were cheaper than a TV dinner, and 
make for a quick all the food I 
have is microwaveable (obviously, I don't nuke 
the snack cookies or the tunafish salad).

We had rain much of this past weekend, with
rain and storms forecast Thursday into early
next week, followed by sharply colder weather
for the rest of the month. It appears that
the groundhog was WRONG about Arkansas weather
(hi hi). The Artic Oscillation Index is LOWER
than it was here nearly a month ago...and it's
too early to know about possible snow or ice
storms later this month. But, our tornado
season will be here soon enough. It was on 
this day back in 2008, that a 122 mile long
EF 4 tornado roared across west central,
northwest, and north central Arkansas...the
longest tornado on record for Arkansas.

I didn't watch the Pro Bowl yesterday, and
won't be watching the Super Bowl on Sunday.
The prices for tickets, hotel rooms, and a
a 30 second commercial, are absolutely nuts.
I preferred the Puppy Bowl and the Kitty
Halftime Show on Animal Planet, but I just
have high speed internet cable TV.
If I want to watch anything, I do it over
the internet, which is rare.

I've been getting a lot of scam, spam,
telemarketing calls. If I don't recognize 
the number, I just let it go to voice mail. 
If one hears a half second beep before a 
human voice, it's a robocall. The legitimate 
ones have a human voice as soon as you answer 
it. I put a long voice mail message in place, 
telling about ham radio, square dancing, my 
computer BBS, plus family and medical calls
being welcome...saying for them to leave a 
message, and I'd get back with them. And, if 
they were a scammer, etc., they're better
off to just hang up now.



GE everyone

Sunshine today, much improved over two days 
cold rain.

Heard some dx on 10 meters this morning but 
on the run no time to talk.

Got to observe ham exam session Saturday. 
Recertified to help with exams. Our Kimberling 
club gives exams each first Saturday after 
breakfast at Donnies Diner in Branson West.
Been probably 25 years since helping with exam. 
Things have changed a bit but was more familiar 
than expected.

Back in area one more day, then back Oklahoma 
for week or so.



GE All!

A quiet week here. Rain, and no snow!?! That's 
weird for us this time of year. Global warming 
I guess...

Not much happening on the radio front, just the 
same old Winlink/Packet stuff.

Did my taxes yesterday.  No surprises there. 



GE All, keeping busy here. This week I got the 
"Tuna Tin" transmitter and receivers built. They 
seem to work OK. Getting a whopping 300 mW out
of the transmitter :-)  Can't really use them 
yet ... my morse is so rusty it is sad. So, I 
have been practicing morse so I can try them out. 

This coming weekend is Hamcation in Orlando, so 
I am getting set for that. Hamcation on Saturday
and Weather spotter training on Sunday with a 
trip to EPCOT thrown in for good measure. Then 
next week, we have huge cheeses coming to the 
office all week, so we all have to be on our best 
behavior. So the excitement continues.

Well, I am just hoping the weather cooperates for
Hamcation. Last Saturday was nice here, I got out 
for a nice afternoon walk. It has been rainy, 
though, the last couple of days, so I hope it gets 
the rain out of its system so we can have a nice 
weekend. I hope everyone has a great week and can 
stay warm and healthy. 



Good evening Daryl and all on net.

Another slow, rainy week here.

I spent my time playing with BPQ, AMPRNET and JNOS. 
Trying to figure out how to get the 
adresses working. Not making much headway...

Nothing else exciting enough to report. Just wish 
Winter was over. All this gloomy wet weather is 

I'll keep plugging away at the projects until I 
get somewhere with them. 



GE Daryl and all on the net!

I updated my hotspot with a rpi zero 2w and it's 
now much faster to respond to changes. So I listened 
to DMR Tg91 (world wide) for awhile last night.

There was an exchange between old friends and then 
they signed off. Then one of them came back a few 
minutes later and said "Bill, just want to remind
you not to forget to... uh, I forgot what I was going 
to tell you..., so... carry on!" I had a good belly 
laugh at that, since I know that feeling!!



GE everyone

Jackie has made a couple trips to the ER. Once for 
the flu, and one for a head ache.

The head ache turn out to be a wad of blood vessels
on the outside of her skull that presses on nerves. 
So not too serious, but painful.

My packet modem is down at the moment. The old KPC4 
negative voltage caps have gave up. I need to break 
it down and replace them when I get a chance.

I found a new toy called a ESP32 VGA32-V1.4. It's an 
ESP32 with a vga and keyboard Conn 

It can be programmed to run as an ALTAIR 8800, a PC XT, 
or a Commodore VIC 20. A real blast from the past


Replies from N5VLZ:

Charley, thanks for stopping by...understand about 
the hectic schedule. I have to wait until March to 
get a new case for my test supplies. My group just 
tests at the local college 4 times a there 
are other exam teams around. I scrolled off the Top 
10 VE List in the March 2024 QST, but I'm still 
active. You are sure the world traveler.

Bob (NY), Punxatawney Phil said it'd be an early 
spring...that may be right for you (hi hi). I have 
to get my taxes done, but I assessed the personal 
property taxes the other day. At least they're not 
due until October.

Carl, FB on the Tuna Tin transmitter and receiver. 
A little practice will work the CW speed back up. 
Hope Hamcation goes well. I need to get recertified 
as a spotter, but with not driving anymore, I have 
no way to get to a class without Lyft, etc. Hope all
goes well at work with the big wigs coming by. With 
all the rain, it sounds like the Hamcation is mimicking 
Hamvention (hi hi).

Rick, FB on the packet software...GL on getting the 
addresses working. Meteorological spring starts March 
1, if that's any consolation. We'll be begging for 
rain come summer. At least the rain keeps the fire 
danger down.

Bob (OK), FB on the RPi Zero 2W upgrade. Something was 
done on some of the D-Star Reflectors, and my shark RF 
openspot 4 Pro no longer works right on them. I did
get an upgrade after the net, but the app crashed
again, so I had to go into the task manager to drop
it, and reload it. Three things fail when we get older;
the first thing is memory...and I forgot the other two 
(hi hi).

Scott, sorry to hear about Jackie's ER trips...had one 
myself last week, when a coughing fit made me think I 
dislocated my left hip. At least I didn't fall, and
there weren't any broken bones, but a badly pulled 
muscle and pinched sciatic nerve. The bones in my neck 
are pressing on the nerves, so I can sympathize. Bummer 
on the QRT PKT modem...hope you can get that fixed soon. 
FB on the ESP32 VGA32, with a VGA and keyboard connection. 
Reminds me of the BBS days 40 years ago now. 


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