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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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N5VLZ  > ALL      19.12.23 07:03l 304 Lines 10735 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 59514_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE DEC 18 2023
Sent: 231219/0454Z 59514@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24


N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
NT5R, Charley, Missouri (early checkin)
KA4FLA, Chuck, Pennsylvania
K0WAV, Scott, Arkansas 
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma
KX4AC, Carl, Florida


N5VLZ (formerly WX4QZ):

Tonight is the final PCL Net for 2023. We'll
take the next 2 weeks off for Christmas and
New Year's, and return on Jan. 8, 2024. We
wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.
I posted a reminder bulletin earlier today.
May Santa bring you all the ham radio gifts
you are wanting...even if you did as I did...
in asking him to "define naughty" (hi i

No, you're not seeing things...I've had a ham
radio homecoming, returning to my ham radio
roots and my original callsign, N5VLZ, now as
a vanity. The original emphasis was on square
dancing, as I was into that 5 years before I
got my ham radio license...and right now, I'm
doing as much in square dancing as I am with
amateur radio. When the authorization came in
via email at 0830 UTC Friday, I was up the rest
of the night, sending off validation emails, and
copies of the ULS entry and the license itself.
But, I'm still waiting on approval for some modes.
It will take some getting used to, but the only
thing I'm doing now with trains is on the Friday
night net on the QuadNet Array, and I got burned
out on weather and ham radio nearly 5 years ago,
even though that's what got me into the hobby
over 32 years ago. The URL for the Excel Net List
Spreadsheets and other ham radio files remain the
same, and it's the only hyperlink on my QRZ page.
I'll be ordering new badges and stuff after the
first of the year.

My financial assistance request for the bills on 
the hip replacement surgery just over a month ago 
was 100% approved. So, I won't have to pay a thing 
through early 2024...I hope all the bills have gone 
through by then. I see the podiatrist on Wednesday, 
then the orthopedic doctor on Jan. 18 (they cancelled 
the Jan. 4 appointment due to a schedule conflict). 
So, it'll be a bit longer before I'm back to a sense 
of normalcy...although I am walking around the house 
without a walker or cane most of the time. The pain 
flares when I sleep (they say that's normal, but that
is little consolation), so I end up taking strong pain
medications, and then napping during the day.

We're supposed to get rain Friday into Christmas Eve, 
then thunderstorms Christmas Eve night all the way
through Christmas (maybe later); so it looks to be wet 
instead of white for us. The kids won't be happy having 
to be confined inside all day...but maybe I can just 
crash out both days...and not worry about the computers,
especially considering the nets I normally check into
are taking Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off. As long 
as the lightning strikes aren't too close, and the NOAA
weather radio alarm doesn't go off, that's good sleeping

I'm really enjoying my SharkRF OpenSpot 4 Pro, and I'm
hearing stations on it that I couldn't hear with the 
BlueDV program. It's still on sale until around Christmas 
for 60 Euros off regular price (my cost was $285 via FedEx 
Shipping), so if you want one, I'd suggest ordering one. 
Mine was ordered on a Saturday, it shipped on a Monday, 
and got here on Wednesday. I understand many hams have 
gotten, or will be getting one, for Christmas...and I've 
heard nothing but good things about it. Unfortunately, I
had problems with it after the PCL Net, so I missed one
of the other nets, and the Windows 11 computer was ornery.



GE All!

A lot of running around this week. Christmas shopping and 
what not. 

Swapped out the final Pi Zero W for a 2W on my DMR hotspot. 
So all the hotspots have faster cpu's now. I'll keep one of 
the old W's for a while in case I have a failure, but I don't 
need 2. Anybody have a need for a Raspberry Pi Zero W? Let me 
know, I'll send it out.

Barely got the the HAMWORD today. All the way to my 5th guess 
and I was sure I was going to fail. But I got it!

No WHite Christmas here. From the looks of the forecast it might 
be shorts and t-shirts wx - at least for us, hihi - then again 
that's so far in the future you can't any wx forecast that far 

Everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


KA4FLA (formerly N3LBP):

Hello to all. Been awhile since i have been in the net. i have 
been very busy helping other hams lots digi modes getting ready 
for fd next year and pota working on my all star nodes getting 
them set up. my goal is to test and link packet radio over allstar 
at some point and find someone to test with working promoting 
packet radio make grow. started my own club called the mapga group 
make amateur packet great again. I will be looking for some people 
to join lots ideas for next year planned a repeater for digi modes 
where all will be welcome to experiment with have fun.

I'm not doing much for xmas just going hang with family and do my 
radio projects and get them done.

Been going to the doctors lately trying to get somethings checked 
out hope all will be good.

Not much have a good night, just going to focus on my packet 
projects. Have a great xmas.


GE all! week was good... I have been buring up the air on the 
FT-991A, but my Christmas/Birthday/Fathersday/Anniversary present 
is under the tree

I have been doing a lot of digital modes HF... playing with HF 
Packet, RTTY, PSK31... and others... just trying to keep the rust 
off those digi skills

No FM packet available here with current antenna situation so fm 
digi stuff is small.

Seems like VARA both HF and FM modes are taking over and with the 
symbol rate being lifted they are really fun.

So family is mostly fine, had a scare with brother having heart 
attack, but he is recovering fine.

ps above present is a new FTdx-10  woo hoo

Rick... Gordo was my fav... he was the one who tried to get 
Armstrong and Buzz to prank NASA by... when they leave the 
LEM for the first time to key the mic say, "What the Heck is 
that, scream and then unkey" would have been epic

And Winston Churchill said, "No virus can withstand 100 proof
whiskey!" so you are on the right track.

Just plans for family over the weekend and nothing too crazy...

Everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Good evening Daryl and all on the NET, not a bad week.

I did my usual PACTOR stuff in the mornings, and NETS in the 

I can't remember if I mentioned last time, but Arlene and I 
decided to get one of those VITAMIX FOODCYCLERs, it arrived 
on the 10th, we opened the box and discovered it was a USED 
unit. It still had bits of stuff in it from previous use...
yuck. Sent it back AMAZON and they sent us a NEW unit 
yesterday. Tested it out today, seems to dry stuff out and 
munch it up nicely. Also, got a NEW video surveillance system 
so I can capture the wildlife that wanders through our yard 
in the night. Looking forward to getting that all set up...

Other stuff this week, Doctor's visit to check out my shoulder 
and knee, more poking with needles...

Picked up a cold on Friday, so none of the usual Saturday 
activities, just lounged around home with chicken soup and 
hot toddies. Cold seems to have retreated from the onslaught 
of soup and rum.

Still working on runing more coax's out for antennas, and now 
video and power feedlines. I'm out of space in my coax 
feed-through, going to have to punch another hole in the shack 
wall, Arlene is not too happy with that...

That's it for me Daryl! Thanks for doing the NET, and thanks 
to BOB NS2B for providing the facilities!

Everyone have a great Christmas and Happy New Year! Stay well, 
and 73 until next time.


GE Daryl and all!

Daryl, it will take me awhile to remember your new, er old 

Went to the Gordon Cooper Technology Center in Shawnee, OK 
(about 45min drive from Norman) on Friday to see a presentation 
by some high school students on their efforts to create a 
"pointing device" to track weather balloon/radiosondes. It has 
an sdr/rtl dongle and a Lilygo T-beam at its core, driving a 
couple of servos. It's amazing to me what modern day students 
can do, compared to me "back in the day" Hi Hi

For you youngsters, "Gordo" was one of the original Mercury 7 
astronauts, and Shawnee was his home town. He passed away about 
20 years ago.

I'm looking forward to Christmas this year in our new location. 
We have family coming from Tulsa and Ft. Worth, so it will be 
lot of fun!

Ditto on the thanks to Daryl and Bob (NY)!

Nothing else. Hope all have a great Christmas!



Good evening all!

It has been a hectic week here. Not much time for hobbies, just 
trying to finish up things at work and get ready for Christmas.
I did get the presents mailed and Christmas cards as well, so 
that task is done.

I had a disk drive fail over the weekend, but at least over the 
years I have learned to keep backups, so I did not lose anything 
except the time to reconfigure and restore everything.

Only one more day at work and them I am off until the 2nd. So
hopefully I can get back to some of those projects that keep 
getting placed on the back burner.

Just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and will see you 
all next year.


Replies from N5VLZ:

Bob (NY) FB on the RPi0W and HAMWORD...I still haven't tried
that yet. Thanks for providing the BBS for us for another year.

Chuck, congratulations on the new call...I changed mine as well.

On the MAPGA, since packet radio is the only digital mode that
is error free, you could say it TRUMPS the other modes (hi hi).

Hope the medical stuff goes good for you.

Scott, FB on the new toy...hope you enjoy it.

With all the solar storms lately, I'm surprised folks could
make contacts on HF.

That "potential epic incident" proves "with friends like these,
you don't need any enemies".

Rick, FB on the Pactor and the nets. I hope Arlene doesn't give
you a lump of coal for Christmas with another "coax hole" (hi hi).

FB on the Vitamix setup and the video surveillance system.

My late XYL drank a rum and Coke (more Coke than rum) whenever
she was feeling puny.

GL on the medical stuff.

Bob (OK), with the "original call now as a vanity", it's now
"everything old is new again" (hi hi). Email me at
if you want my set of "alternate phonetics" that I created.

And, it's amazing how technology has changed over the years.

FB on the family coming for Christmas.

Carl, I printed and mailed off the Christmas letters to 8 family
and friends last week. Glad you were able to get the data restored
from the hard drive crash.

I know you'll enjoy the holiday time off from work, where you can
work on those projects.


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