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G4TNU  > NEWS     10.11.23 04:21l 267 Lines 12905 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 51198G4TNU
Subj: RSGB Main News - 05 Nov 2023
Sent: 231110/0216Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO $:51198G4TNU

T:From: G4TNU@GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO <>
T:Message-Id: <>

GB2RS Main News for Sunday the 5th of November 2023

The news headlines:

* Exam funding for youngsters
* Tonight<at>8 webinar
* RSGB affiliated club Course and Exam Finder map

The Radio Communications Foundation, or RCF, is a small charity that 
seeks to promote radio engineering and amateur radio. Last year, a 
number of teachers identified the cost of Foundation exams as a 
barrier for some young people. The RCF Trustees considered how they 
might help. Funding exams for every youngster was seen to be 
unaffordable, and unnecessary, in many cases. As a start, and to help 
those with greatest need, the Trustees have agreed to fund 60 
Foundation exams each year. The funding will be available to anyone 
who is under the age of 21, in full-time education and needs help 
with the exam fee. Fifteen exams will be funded every three months. 
The first batch of 15 exams will be funded in January 2024. If any of 
the allocated funds are not used, they will be rolled over to the 
next quarter. No money will change hands as the RCF Trustees will 
simply make the bookings and pay the RSGB. In time, there will be a 
simple online application form. In the meantime, anyone seeking 
funding should send their details to 
rcfsecretary<at> with a supporting statement from 
a parent or guardian about why they would benefit from an RCF-funded 
exam. Details of their interest in amateur radio, and how they have 
trained, or are training, for the Foundation exam will also help the 
Trustees make their decisions. If the scheme proves to be successful, 
and amateurs continue to donate to the RCF, there may be scope for 
increasing the number of exams funded each year. Further details 
about the RCF, and how to donate, can be found at

Don't forget to be part of the RSGB's Tonight<at>8 webinar tomorrow, 
Monday the 6th of November. Colin Summers, MM0OPX will give an 
entry-level talk aimed at newcomers to amateur radio. He will touch 
on antennas generally but will focus on the end-fed half-wave antenna 
including details of construction, transformers and performance. Find 
out more at

The RSGB affiliated club Course and Exam Finder map has been 
relaunched this week. All affiliated clubs were invited by email to 
submit information about courses and exams that they run. The replies 
that were received are now on the RSGB website. If you use the search 
function and it doesn't show any results, you will need to widen your 
search area. If your club provides training or holds exams and it 
isn't shown on the map, please go to and complete 
the form. If you need any help, you can email exams<at>  
Additional information will be uploaded each week, so please submit 
any changes before 3pm on Fridays.

The RSGB is delighted to welcome Elaine Richards, G4LFM as the new 
volunteer RSGB Archivist. Elaine is a former RadCom Managing Editor 
and was keen to continue to oversee the RSGB archives when she 
retired from her RadCom role last year. If you would like more 
information about an old amateur radio photo or document, or want to 
check something in the RSGB archives, you can contact Elaine 
via archivist<at>

Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets at the RSGB 
Convention last month to raise money for the DXpedition Fund. The 
Fund has already made donations to expeditions such as Bouvet, 
Swains, Rockall and Tuvalu this year. If you're planning a DXpedition 
to a rare destination and would like to apply, go to the RSGB website 
and search for ‘DXpedition Fund'.

And now for details of rallies and events

Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club Rally is taking place today, Sunday the 
5th of November. The venue is Limavady United Football Club, Rathmore 
Road, Limavady, BT49 0DF. Several traders are in attendance and there 
is a bring-and-buy stand. The doors open at 11am and car parking is 
available on site. For more information visit or 
email bushvalleyarc<at>

Holsworthy Radio Rally is also taking place today, Sunday the 5th of 
November. The venue is Holsworthy Leisure Centre, Well Park, Western 
Road, Holsworthy, Devon, EX22 6DH. There are traders, a bring-and-buy 
area and catering available. Access for traders is available from 
8am. The doors open to the public at 10am. See 
[MIKE-ZERO-OSCAR-MIKE-CHARLIE] for more information and contact 

A final reminder now that the 2023 Scottish Microwave Round Table, or 
GMRT, will be held between 10.30am and 5pm on Saturday the 11th of 
November. Please email Colin, GM4HWO via gm4hwo<at> for more 

The Rochdale and District Amateur Radio Society Winter Rally will 
take place on Saturday the 18th of November. The venue will be St 
Vincent de Paul's Hall, Norden, Rochdale, Lancs, OL12 7QR. The doors 
open from 10am and entry will be GBP 3. The usual traders, caterers 
and plenty of free parking will be available. All proceeds from this 
rally will go to a local charity. Last time GBP 1000 was given to the 
Rochdale Springhill Hospice. For more information, please contact 
Dave Carden, G3RIK on 01706 633 400 or email dave<at>

The Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society Bazaar will take place on 
Sunday the 19th of November. The venue will be Oasis Academy, 
Homefield Road, Old Coulsdon, CR5 1ES. Doors open for the public from 
10am to 2pm and the entrance fee will be GBP 3. Traders, bring and 
buy, club tables and car parking will be available. Tables cost 
GBP 12, with additional tables priced at GBP 8. Please forward 
general enquiries to bazaar<at>

Now the Special Event News

The ONZ Oostkust Radioclub, ON6HC is active on all bands and modes as 
OR79CLM until the 12th of November. The special callsign's suffix 
stands for Canadian Liberation March, the annual event that 
celebrates the liberation of the Belgian town of Knokke [KNOCK] on 
the 1st of November 1944. QSL via the bureau. For more information, 
and details of an available certificate, visit

The Amateur Radio Union of Serbia, YU1SRS, hosted the 26th IARU 
Region 1 General Conference between the 1st and 4th of November. 
Special callsign YT26IARU was issued to mark the occasion and may be 
operated until the 31st of December by the hosting Society, as well 
as by the Conference amateur radio station. QSL via Logbook of the 

Now the DX news

Pierre, VK3KTB and Alexey, VE1RUS are active again as VY0ERC from the 
Eureka Amateur Radio Club station on Ellesmere Island, NA-008, until 
the 22nd of November. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.

Philippe, F1DUZ is active as FG4KH from Guadeloupe, NA-102, until the 
7th of November. QSL via Logbook of the World, eQSL, or via F1DUZ.

Now the contest news

The 144MHz CW Marconi Contest started at 1400UTC on Saturday the 4th 
of November and ends at 1400UTC today, Sunday the 5th of November. 
Using CW on the 2m band, the exchange is signal report, serial number 
and locator.

On Monday the 6th, the Autumn Series Data Contest runs from 2000 to 
2130UTC. Using RTTY and PSK63 on the 80m band, the exchange is signal 
report and serial number.

On Tuesday the 7th, the 144MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 
1955UTC. Using FM on the 2m band, the exchange is signal report, 
serial number and locator.

Also on Tuesday the 7th, the 144MHz UK Activity Contest runs from 
2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes on the 2m band, the exchange is 
signal report, serial number and locator.

On Wednesday the 8th, the 432MHz FT8 Activity four-hour Contest runs 
from 1700 to 2100UTC. Using FT8 on the 70cm band, the exchange is 
report and four-character locator. Also on Wednesday the 8th, the 
432MHz FT8 Activity two-hour Contest runs from 1900 to 2100UTC. Using 
FT8 on the 70cm band, the exchange is report and four-character 
locator. Stations entering the four-hour contest may also enter the 
two-hour contest.

On Thursday the 9th, the 50MHz UK Activity Contest runs from 2000 to 
2230UTC. Using all modes on the 6m band, the exchange is signal 
report, serial number and locator.

On Saturday the 11th, the Club Calls 1.8MHz Affiliated Societies 
Contest runs from 2000 to 2300UTC. Using CW and SSB on the 160m band, 
the exchange is signal report, serial number and your affiliated 
society information.

The Worked All Europe DX RTTY Contest starts at 0000UTC on Saturday 
the 11th and ends at 2359UTC on Sunday the 12th of November. Using 
RTTY only on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the 
exchange is signal report and serial number.

On Sunday the 12th, the UK Microwave Group Low Band Contest runs from 
1000 to 1400UTC. Using all modes on 1.3 to 3.4GHz frequencies, the 
exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA, and G4BAO 
on Thursday the 2nd of November 2023

The last two weeks have not been too bad for HF propagation, but not 
particularly good either. The solar flux index hit lows of 119 on the 
22nd of October and 121 on the 24th, but subsequently recovered and 
stood at 159 on Thursday the 2nd of November.

This at least allayed the fears of some amateurs that Solar Cycle 25 
was over!

But, as the solar flux index rose, geomagnetic conditions became 
slightly unsettled. The maximum Kp index was 4.67 on the 29th of 
October but has subsequently recovered to between 1 and 3.

This didn't affect HF too much with the daylight maximum useable 
frequency over 3,000km remaining steadfastly over 28MHz all week, 
even hitting 43MHz on Thursday the 2nd.

As a result, the bands have been humming with lots of DX being 
worked. Phil, GU0SUP reports working Jan [YAN], E51JAN on the North 
Cook Islands on 12m FT8 Fox and Hound mode at around 1630UTC. He said 
that, as it was almost dark, he didn't expect to hear anything, but 
had a good copy on him at 190 degrees, so gave him a call. He came 
straight back.

Phil said that this was a big surprise, and he is not sure how it 
worked. It was quite a skewed path, with pretty much no copy on the 
real headings, short or long path.

He also worked YJ0TT Vanuatu on 10m at 0843UTC that morning, and 
later at 1741UTC on 20m FT8 Fox and Hound mode. As Phil said: "Two 
new DXCCs in one day!" So, the moral of the story is to keep on 
trying – you never know what you will work!

Next week NOAA predicts that the solar flux index will decline 
slightly to the 130s. A bigger problem is a massive coronal hole, 
which is rotating into an Earth-facing position. This could cause the 
Kp index to rise, possibly on Sunday the 5th or Monday the 6th. 
NOAA also predicts a geomagnetic disturbance on November the 9th when 
the Kp index could rise to four. Otherwise, it suggests fairly 
settled conditions and a general Kp index of two. As always, keep an 
eye on for up-to-date information.

And now the VHF and up propagation news

The current spell of unsettled weather with areas of low pressure, 
strong winds and rain or showers will probably remain over the coming 
week to the 12th of November. This again suggests that Tropo will not 
be a feature of VHF/UHF operating and perhaps there are just a few 
weak options for rain scatter to lift the mood. 

Since comments last week about out-of-season Sporadic-E propagation, 
we are still getting weak Sporadic-E signals on the graph plots on which peaked at 5.35MHz at Dourbes on Wednesday the 
1st of November, at 1700UTC. This may have been enough to produce 
paths on 6m band data modes. Favoured times of day for these chance 
events are typically around 10am or 5pm.

Meteor scatter prospects are still good since the decaying Orionids 
are probably lingering up until the 7th, and we approach the peak of 
the Taurids around the 12th of November. The week after, we'll be 
looking forward to the November Leonids. So if you've not tried 
meteor scatter yet, this may be a good time to read up on modes, 
frequencies and operating techniques.

Lastly, a brief mention of aurora, which is always possible given a 
decent coronal hole event like last week. So keep a check on the Kp 
index for larger values above, say, 5.

For EME operators, Moon declination is at maximum this weekend, 
meaning long Moon windows and high Moon elevation. Path losses are at 
their highest over the period due to apogee on Tuesday the 6th and 
144MHz sky noise is low all week.

And that's all from the propagation team this week.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  radcom<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

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