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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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WX4QZ  > ALL      23.05.23 06:28l 226 Lines 7369 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 50842_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE MAY 22 2023
Sent: 230523/0415Z 50842@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.23


WX4QZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma
N2GWK, George, Kentucky
KF5JRV, Scott, Arkansas



A reminder that next Monday, May 29, the PCL
Net will take the night OFF, in observance of
the Memorial Day Holiday. Please take time to
note the true meaning of the's not
just for picnics, and other things.

I got good reports from both the eye doctor
and the cardiologist last week...I don't have
to go back to either until next May (unless of
course, something develops). 

The pressures in the eyes are 10 and 11 (they
have never been that good), the visual acuities 
were 20/15 and 20/20, but I still have the dry 
corneas, as well as suspect glaucoma, but I'm 
in no danger of going blind. He did give me a
different set of eye drops to use.

Heart wise, all was good, but he wants me to
start a regimen of 1 baby aspirin tablet a day.
I ordered some coated tablets today, and will get 
them tomorrow, along with a needed prescription.

I barely got the Trains Net done Friday night
before severe storms and lightning entered the
area, so my second net to run Friday night went
by the boards. Saturday morning, apparently, a 
car took out a power pole nearby, knocking out
power and internet here. The power came back on
a few moments later, as I heard sirens of the
fire department and ambulance. Not sure if the
wreck was caused by vehicular failure, driver
carelessness, or a medical emergency. I was able 
to do a net Saturday morning, and shortly after 
that, power went out again..this time, for repair 
work by the power crews. I thought it'd be out the
rest of the day, so I canceled The Food Net that
afternoon. Power came back on about 10 minutes
later, but I thought it would go off again, as
long as repair crews were in the area.

We're in a stretch of calmer weather (it's about
time!), with maybe isolated storms this week, but
most areas will stay dry. It may be 90 here next
Monday. But, at least we don't have all the smoke 
from the wildfires in Canada and the northern US. 
The air quality in Montana is about to the point 
of hazardous/dangerous to all concerned, with poor
visibility, and you're getting smoke in your
entire system when you go outside. Those with
asthma are really suffering. One ham in the
Edmonton area of Canada, canceled his net on
Saturday, because of the fires and smoke...not
sure if he has to evacuate or not.

I had to call the State Medicaid deal...apparently,
the Post Office lost the renewal recertification
form. I just need the Medicaid to pay the monthly
Medicare premium...not needing SNAP, TEA, etc. I
told them I was homebound now, since giving up
driving and selling the car a year ago.

My lawn guy is supposed to be by this week...I
hope's getting real tall, but all the
rain lately has put him behind schedule. I wish
the grass would stop growing so much. The trash
folks didn't pick up the trash last Friday...I
hope they'll do so this week.

I still haven't filled out that ARRL Member Dues
Survey...because I still can't get into my website
account. I have to wonder if it's worth the trouble,
as all I did was glance at portions of QST, and I'm
a Life Member already. But, the survey expires May

The WX4NHC Station Test is this Saturday from 1300
to 2100 UTC on HF, VHF, UHF, 2 and 30 meter APRS,
Winlink, Echolink, and IRLP (the latter 2 in a 1
hour time slot). With a strong El Nino, the Atlantic
may be quiet, but Hawaii could be in trouble. I've
wondered where people in Hawaii go on vacation (hi hi).

I hope the government doesn't default next week...
they ought to deprive Congress their pay until they
get something worked out.



GE All! It does look like you had a busy week!

FB on the good dr. reports. I've been taking a baby 
aspirin for years, and I'm still alive. It must be 
the reason! hihi

I did the ARRL survey. I don't know why - I normally 
refuse surveys. It's always been my contention that 
the questions/answers will be interpreted in a way 
necessary to garner the result they want anyway...  
I know, a bad attitude...

My son is finally home from the hospital - he tallied 
it up - he spent 126 days in the hospital. He's staying 
with me for the forseeable future.

Now for a soapbox rant (weather related). Historically 
in NY, we have always used May 15 as the cutoff day for 
frost for planting crops/gardens. We had a mild winter,
warm spring, I saw no reason that that wouldn't be 
historically true. I planted my tomatoes; and wouldn't 
you know it - we got frost last Thursday morning (the 
18th). I had covered the planted, but it wasn't enough...
Had to replant today. Soapbox mode off...



GE all!

Daryl, glad to hear what sounds like good news from your 

Bob, glad to year your son is out of the hospital. That is 
an incredible amount of time.

We've been in Norman a little over a month now. Getting 
radios out of boxes and connected up. Made ft8 contacts 
yesterday to Iceland and Estonia, so off to a good start 
with a MFJ mag loop in the attic.

Bought a crimper, bulk coax, and connectors, to try making 
my own cables. Should have learned years ago, but it seems 
pretty straight forward.

Sorry, my keyboard decided to go crazy!

I was making a joke about betting I would still be around 
for 3 years, and beat ARRL out my increases for the next 
3 years.

Anyhow, switched to another keyboard so good to go. 



GE to all on the net.

Well, I got my grass cut last thursday and forgot to wear
a mask so I sneezed and coughed for several days. Most of
that was at night, so I didn't sleep much.

Didn't make it to Dayton this year. Even though it's close 
to me, I just can't find the time. Oh wait!! No money,
either!! hihi

I also did the ARRL Survey. I guess we can look forward
to a dues increase.  Bob, don't feel bad about the attitude.
I feel the same way.

I will be re-installing my flag pole this week in time for 
Memorial Day. It was snapped off at the ground during high 
winds here in KY. I'll lose one section, so it might be a 
bit short.



GE everyone.

It has been a good week. It is finally drying out some. 
Starting to get busy with the raised beds. Keeping them 

The plants are taking off since the sun has started shining 
all day.

Spent a few days getting the wine emulator set up on my 
raspberry pi. Tonight I am using the Outpost PMM on the PI.

Glad to hear that Bob's son is doing better. 


Replies from WX4QZ:

Bob (NY), bummer on the weather. For Big Pharma, "a cured
patient is a lost customer"...for that matter, so is a
dead patient!! :P  Glad your son is finally out of the
hospital. And, I agree with you on the "attitude".

Bob (OK), FB on getting the new shack set up. Glad you
got the keyboard to behave itself!!

George, there is still some pollen out there...I'll let
my yard man deal with it. As for the money, when hotel
rooms are over $150 a night, then you add food and the
travel cost, you might as well just order a fancy rig!!
But all that money for one rig is just overkill. FB on 
the flagpole...hope you get it up for the weekend.

Scott, FB on the plantings...we're a month away from the
summer solstice, but it looks like dry weather for a bit.
And, FB on the was a busy and lengthy net there


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