OpenBCM V1.08-5-g2f4a (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[San Dona' di P. JN]

 Login: GUEST

WX4QZ  > ALL      06.12.22 11:01l 208 Lines 5512 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 43266_NS2B
Sent: 221206/0636Z 43266@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.23


WX4QZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
N3FIX, Eric, Pennsylvania



A reminder that the final PCL Net for 2022 
will be on Monday, Dec. 19 -- we'll be QRT 
for Christmas and New Year's weeks, with 
the two Mondays of Dec. 26 and Jan. 2, 
respectively. Our first net in 2023 will 
be on Jan. 9. 

The COLA increase won't take effect until
next month, but I can use it. At least I
had Wal-Mart Gift cards to get most of my
needed groceries yesterday. I had to get a
couple of items from Kroger, but I shouldn't
need any more groceries until next year.

A new version of RMS Express, for accessing
WL2K via telnet, has been released. I didn't
find any early checkins on there tonight,
and my WL2K mailbox usually sits empty. As
for D-Rats, WX4QZ-1 is up; unless a laptop
reboot, or an outage of power, internet, or
weather, occurs.

Speaking of weather, it's a wet week here, 
with fog, rain, and isolated storms every 
day (we might get a brief break on Friday). 
The Arctic Oscillation is strongly negative, 
so much colder air is on the way soon. With
the rain, etc., a good week to stay at home.
Whether the cold means a Christmas snow or
ice storm, remains to be seen. I plan to 
mail out the family Christmas letter on 

I'm making some updates to the Excel Net
Spreadsheets and Net Theme Description files.
I should have them online sometime Tuesday.

The Quarter Century Wireless Association
(QCWA) has 2 events right now, celebrating
their 75th anniversary...the W2MM Special
Event Station through 2359 UTC Saturday,
and the 75/75 Contest through 0000 UTC Feb.
18, 2023. One doesn't have to be a QCWA
member to work the W2MM Station, but they
do have to be a member to work the 75/75
contest. Email me for details if you're



Well, this week was uneventful. Finally 
got a Christmas tree, and started 
decorating it - still not finished with 
that. I think I'll have it done in time 
to take it down!

Didn't do much with radios this week. 
Just set the HF rig on the Net105 packet 
frequency and let it beacon away - it's 
easy that way!

I offially retire this Friday - I guess 
I'm happy about that - not sure - change 
has always been a little stressful for me - 
so I'm sure it'll take me a little bit to 
get used to it.  We'll see.

Rick I hope Arlene is better, and you don't
get any more snow.

Eric, good deal on growing packet down 
there - I like seeing that! 



Good evening Daryl and Bob and everyone 

Another good week. I didn't get a lot done. 
Only had to shovel snow a couple days, 9 
inches on Tuesday morning and 4 inches on 
Wednesday morning. Weather has been cloudy, 
temp around 24F.

Not much radio work lately, PACTOR on 40M 
in the mornings, then I switch over to 
Robust Packet and HF Packet on NET105 
afterwards, and of course trying to do Olivia 
16/1k on 80M at night. 80M has been crappy 
for me lately.

Yesterday, I had to call an ambulance for 
Arlene, she was having some really bad 
abdominal pain and barfing.

Spent the afternoon in emergency, and they 
still don't know what it was all about. They 
prescribed a bunch of expensive medicine 
which didn't do much, and sent us home. 
Today she's doing ok, and starting to eat 
normally again, without the abdominal pain

I almost missed the net tonight, spent the 
afternoon today cooking up a couple pounds 
of my candied ginger. Managed to spread it 
out on the cookie sheets at about 2 min 
after the hour...

Again Congratulations Bob on retiring!! 

Eric, FB on the new node, I wish I could 
install one on our mountain top repeater 
site. I could probably hit the node in 
Spokane, WA. 

Thanks Bob, she seems to be doing OK 
tonight. The snow is coming in a couple 
of days.



Hello Net participants.

Sorry about being late. I tend to multitask 
on Monday nights during our local ARES RACES 

Congrats on the retirement, Bob. We all 
aspire to that.

We are adding to our local packet network. 
There's a new node on a prominent hill just 

W3CRS The Cornwall Ranger Station is a good 
spot and we're gathering momentum for Packet 
in the area.

I'm a little out of the loop, so I will turn 
it back to net control, and thank you for 
running things.

Sorry, I don't get in here as often as I like.

I don't know why I get a bug to work HF 
portable in the winter, but I do. I was 
wondering if anyone got PPOTA activations? 
Packet Parks On The Air. From the comfort of 
the vehicle.


Replies from WX4QZ:

Bob, Hobby Lobby had the stuff up this summer;
I guess that's where Christmas In July got its

FB on the HF Packet deal.

Congratulations on the retirement...we'll be
looking forward to your retirement party
comments on next weeks net.

Rick, it's supposed to get much colder here
late next week...too early to know if that
means a Christmas storm or not.

I'm not a doctor, but it sounds like either
food poisoning, gastrointeritis, colon issues,
or appendicitis. Hope things settle down for
her, in more ways than one.

Eric, no problem about being late...too many
nets, and too little time.

FB on the new packet node. As for PPOTA, I
thought that was for "pepperoni pizza on
the air" (hi hi). One ham actually was
working from the parking lot of a pizza
place!! I wonder if he was cannibalistic
with ham on the pizza?? (hi hi).

I guess Bob (OK) is having tacos tonight,
and I don't know where Charley is.


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