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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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WX4QZ  > ALL      23.08.22 03:01l 267 Lines 8853 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 38704_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE AUG 22 2022
Sent: 220823/0051Z 38704@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.23


WX4QZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
NT5R, Charley, Missouri
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma
KP3FT, Jeff, New York (First Time Checkin)



Two weeks from tonight, Sept. 5, is Labor Day.
The PCL Net will NOT meet that night.

I just downloaded and installed a new version
of RMS Express, what I use for Winlink 2000.
Not many messages there, but at least it's a

I'll have an ad in the next issue of the state
square dance publication that I'm Editor for,
in trying to locate "dancing hams". I'd run
into them at the national conventions, and we
would meet on a simplex frequency, to find out
where to dance, eat, sightsee, etc.; and I've
used it to save someone's life more than once.

Today was back to School for many kids in the
state of Arkansas...I'm glad all that is behind
me. The only time I set foot on an educational
institution campus now, is when I do ham radio
license exam sessions at the local college, as
I'm their VE Team Leader. The local college fall
campus picnic and BBQ is coming up soon, but I'll
have to take Lyft to get there, as I quit driving
2 months ago, and sold my car, due to dry corneas.
Even with eye drops, I'm still having issues, but
at least I'm in no danger of going blind...but I
might need a blind ham to help me out of a hamfest
parking lot, or a hospital parking deck (hi hi).

The American Legion D-Star Net, that had met on
the first Monday of the month went QRT last
month, due to health issues with Net Control.
Efforts are being made to revive it later this
year, or early next year. They'll likely have
a different net control each month when it gets
going again...but it'll still meet on the first
Monday of the month only. That might affect me
as a primary or backup net control for that net,
which would keep me away from this net one Monday
night a month...but usually on the first Monday
of January, July, and September, this net doesn't
meet anyway, because of the New Years Day,
Independence Day, and Labor Day Holidays, 

The cardiac ablation surgery for me this past
Tuesday went very well. They released me late
Tuesday afternoon, and I ran the Arklatex D-Star
Net that night. I'm no longer on the heart rate 
medication, and should be off of the blood 
thinner medication by mid-September. I have 2
follow up appointments set at Arkansas Heart
Hospital Clinic the last week of September.
A nurse from my HMO is coming by tomorrow 
afternoon for the yearly wellness check exam,
and I go in to my PCP for a full physical, blood 
work, and diabetes check the following Tuesday.
So, lately, I've been taking a turn for the
nurse...but they call the shots (hi hi).

Thanks to Paul, ZL2BEZ, I can now access the
QuadNet Array via DMR and TGIF via the BlueDV
program, where I can possibly pick up D-Star 
stations that I would sometimes not hear. 
However, I may have to still use the old DV 
Dongle and DV Tool program for the Arklatex 
D-Star Net. I'm normally just on the air for
nets that I run; sked requests are rare.

We've had a stormy and unsettled weather pattern
here of late...very unusual for August, as that's 
normally our hottest and driest month. It has 
lowered the fire danger to moderate for southwest
Arkansas, and low elsewhere...with only about 10
counties now under burn bans. Two week ago, high
fire danger existed across much of the state, and
all but 5 counties were under burn bans. They have
had real bad flooding in the Dallas/Fort Worth
area, and a tornado near Winona, Texas, that did
damage at the high school football stadium. The 
tropics are heating up, but no major threat to 
the US at this time. Of course, the models are 
all over the place where things may develop and
go. Hard to believe this week is 30 years since
Category 5 Hurricane Andrew blasted south Florida.
The one thing I remember most is a statement from
one of the forecasters just hours before landfall:
"I hope I will be able to write to you in the
morning". At least the weather here is calmer
tonight; a rogue lightning strike last Monday just
before this net had me pull the plug on both the
computers in a hurry!!

I've got enough groceries to last me until maybe
October, but I may still order out on occasion
for delivery...for a change of pace in what I'm
eating. I need to lose weight, but that's easier
said than done...and with the holidays coming up,
it makes it even harder. Besides, I need to build
up insulation for winter hibernation (hi hi).



GE All!

Was a good week! Left Thursday for the track -
setup our campsite and spent the weekend watching
ARCA, Xfinity, and NASCAR Cup racing! We had
perfect weather until this morning when we
tore everything down. This morning it rained on
us the whole time - so we all got pretty wet
taking down the party tent and packing the
trailer with all the camp stuff.

On the radio front I put my 12AVQ vertical
back on the roof. It works great for HF
packet out in to the middle and western
states. Sort of wrecked my local communcations.
I'll need to put up something else for that.

Glad to hear your ablation surgery went well.
That's good news!



Good evening Daryl and all on the net. It was 
a good week.

Rode my bike 10 miles every morning, worked 
on building the 2M yagi...still working on it.

Sunny and hot most days, nice and cool today 
at 85F, the next 5 days are supposed to be rainy.

Thursday is Arlene and my 49th anniversary, we're 
going to overnight at a B&B in Radium Hotsprings,
we try to do something different every year.

With the afternoons too hot, around 100, we 
haven't been doing much, so not a heck of a lot 
to report.

Somebody mentioned tomatoes..we have two tomato 
plants in the garden, one has 5 on it, the other 
has 62...

Welcome to Jeff!



Good week, helped friends with moving last Friday, 
12 hours total, they have large place. moved about 
10 miles, so made several trips with my Ranger 
Ford truck plus they rented a trailer. Had nearly 
24000 steps that day, nearly 10.5 miles. We all 
worked hard. Slept good and surprisingly only thing 
sore next day was arms.

Weather here between 66 to 86 f today. Bit of rain 
couple nights ago. Planted some lettuce and garlic 
sets. Summer garden did not survive 5 week trip 
except for squash.

Moving radio software to new laptop. Only i3 but 
much faster than previous laptop.

Daryl, was asking about you last week. Hope all 
going good for you.

Rick, happy anniversary. Jeff welcome. Bob OK 
hang in there hope catch you sometime in area.



No tacos tonight!

Also no major improvement in sciatica problem after 
steriod injection into my lower back last Tuesday. 
Was hoping to have much lower pain level by now. 

Makers Faire will be here in Tulsa this weekend. 
Was active participant a few years ago. Lot of 
fun talking about satellite tracer and other ham 
related stuff to mostly young people. Now may or 
may not be able to stand long enough to attend. :(

Not much new on the radio front, other than have 
tried sending messages to WLNK-1 (which routes 
short messages through the winlink system) over 
APRS, but don't dge the response back from winlink 
to complete the process. Maybe operator error...



Hi all, tnx for the welcome. 1st time connecting
to PCL Net. Located in central NY.

I was just checking in to say hi and see what PCL Net 
is like.  I'll check in next Monday earlier at 8 PM.


Replies from WX4QZ:

Sorry for the delay...darn screen saver kicked in.

Bob, bummer on the weather, but glad the rest of
your weekend was good. FB on putting up the vertical
antenna...hope the bands improve.

Rick, FB on the bike and the antenna. The rain here
means 70s and 80s are much better than the 104 it was
here last Monday. Congratulations on the anniversary.
There is a shortage on tomatoes now, which means a
shortage on ketchup, salsa, spaghetti and pizza sauce,
and more.

Charley, glad you were able to help them with the move.
I'd be sore in a lot more areas for sure!! FB on the
garden...but as crazy as the weather has been, it was
nearly a given some things wouldn't make it. And, FB
on moving the software to the new laptop.

Bob, bummer on no improvement with the sciatia
problem. The degenerative disk disease in my back
and spine makes it hard to sit or stand for long
periods of time...I'm trying to avoid neck, back,
hip, and knee surgery. FB on Makers Faire in Tulsa...
hope the weather cooperates. As noted earlier, I 
installed RMS Express 1.7.0 (I think) before the net,
for my Winlink Express stuff.

Jeff, glad to have you with us. We're here every Monday,
except for the major holidays, and the weeks that they
occur. We won't meet on Labor Day, Sept. 5, 2 weeks from
tonight. We look forward to seeing you again soon.


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