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Subj: RTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 7 August 2022
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RTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 7 August 2022
Club News

Congratulations to Dave (EI4BZ) and Ryan (EI8KW) for their successful nomination and admission to the CWops Club last Thursday. To become a CWops member one must be capable of sending and receiving International Morse Code at no less than 25 words per minute and should be capable of carrying on a conversation in English using CW. It is a good sign for the future of CW seeing an experienced ham and a newcomer joining the prestigious ranks of CWops on the same day.

The East Leinster Amateur Radio Club will be holding its AGM on Sunday the 14th of August 2022 at The Man O'War Pub, Courtlough, just outside of Skerries, Co. Dublin, at 3pm. This is open to all club members. Anyone interested in Amateur Radio and who would like to join the club is welcome to drop by. Some of the Clubs highlights for the past year include another successful year of reading the IRTS 4 Meter News from SOTA Summits and other portable locations. ELARC made seven first-time POTA activations in Ireland and 22 SOTA activations including the 1st EI call-sign to activate Snowdon in Wales. There was a two-day portable activation of St Johns Point Lighthouse Co. Down for the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend 2021. ELARC participated in the Winter Field Day 2022, and also gave a full day of Amateur Radio demonstrations at Balbriggan Mini Maker Day 2022. For more information about ELARC and its activities please contact info /at/

As previously reported, Tony EI5EM is the net controller for the Monday night Irish language net on the Kippure two-metre repeater, EI2KPR at 8pm local time. It caters for all levels of fluency and none. The net has a bilingual format, so everybody is welcome to call in, in either Irish or English. Last Monday night saw a very special QSO, when Tommy EI9IPB called in to the net. Tommy only recently passed the HAREC exam, and wanted to make his very first QSO in the Irish language. Tony was pleased and honoured to be part of what is possibly a very unique occasion. A QSL card, in Irish of course, is on its way to Tommy for this, his very first QSO ever. Congratulations and well done Tommy. At the moment, this is a pilot project. However, it is hoped soon to have an Irish HF net on either 40 or 80 metres for wider national coverage. Tony is currently working on a glossary of terms in Irish to assist participants in the net. Watch out for this in the next issue of Echo Ireland.

Rafal (EI6LA) announced on Friday that the National Short Wave Listeners Club ( has reached a symbolic milestone of 100 current members, although it is not the highest number to-date. 150 individuals were on the the mailing list at one point in 2021, before a change of the membership rules requiring pupils to join as full club member in early 2022. As of now, the club has assisted over 250 prospective amateurs. The membership of NSWLC is transitory by design, encouraging everyone to join a local, physical club. Many other clubs have presented at our weekly Zoom Sunday Socials. If you run a club affiliated with the IRTS, please introduce it to the NSWLC members. Rafal goes on to say: "We have been very active on and off the air. Our members, including SWLs, participate in many ways: promoting radio, taking up IRTS officer roles, volunteering on subcommittees - and doing our novice best to win contests! As a club, NSWLC has always campaigned on behalf of its members. We have worked with the IRTS to modernise the Irish HAREC exams, provided extensive input to ComReg submissions, and we have been writing the new, over 200 page teaching curriculum. Our seven tutors, who are also Club officers, have put well over 2000 hours into serving the Irish amateur radio community in just over a year. This year alone we have held 43 online 2-hour meetings, including 18 class Echo sessions. Although our Constitution does not admit experienced, licensed amateurs to the general, passive membership, we are actively looking for teachers. Our sixth HAREC course, class Foxtrot, starts later this year. If you are willing to dedicate serious time to teaching or to admin, please contact us. On behalf of the NSWLC may I thank everyone who has been helping us grow and secure the future of amateur radio in Ireland."
Visiting Ham

Robbie (EI2IP) reports Barry, W4TGA a.k.a. EI4VYG is visiting Limerick. He has Family participating in the Lacrosse World Festival at Limerick University from August 10th to 20th. He will be active on the local repeaters, so if folk could listen for him, perhaps they could give him a call.
YOTA in Croatia

Ryan (EI8KW) writes: The "Youngsters on the Air" summer camp near Zagreb, Croatia gets under way today and runs until the 13th of August. There will be seven YOTA stations operational on SSB, CW and digital (FT8, FT4, RTTY). They are looking for as many contacts as possible. Each QSO with a 9A YOTA station in a different band or mode combination earns you one point. Duplicates do not count. It will be worth looking out for these stations as the the prize for platinum position operators above the age of 25 is a 9A5N key, plus a weekend break for a family of four in the city of Karlovac, Croatia. The prize for platinum position operators under the age of 25, is a CircuitMess Synthia plus a surprise. More information and registration is at in the "Award" Section.
ISTRA Contest Meeting

The Croatian 9A1P Contest Team is organising the first annual "International Contest Meeting" for HF and VHF contesters. The idea was born by 9A1P in 2019 due to the current lack of quality events of this kind in Europe, aiming to encourage experience exchange, further improvements, networking, and of course to have fun. Among the event highlights are presentations by speakers from well known "big signal" contestesters Robi (S53WW), the Team D4C, Richard (9A1TT), Fabio (I4UFH), TeamC (S50C) and Dave (9A1UN), Ranko (4O3A), the Italian WRTC-team, and Emir (E77DX/OE1EMS), followed by a VHF Contesting Forum, a SSB/CW "Pile Up" competition, round tables, a guided tour of Porec old city, finally closing with a "Contest Party" under the motto "Until the last HAM standing" . The 4 Day event takes place at the 3 Star Hotel Materada in Porec, near Novigrad at Croatia's Adriatic Coast, from Thursday to Sunday, the 6th to 9th of October. Details about travel connections, accommodation, nearby attractions and the conference can be found at the website of 9A1P at
Lighthouse on the Air

Dave (EI4BZ) forwards the following from Roman (SQ2RH) : "On behalf of the Pomeranian Local Branch of the Polish Amateur Radio Association (PZK) I would like to invite amateur radio community from your country to participate in our award competition related to the "The 200th anniversary of the Polish Lighthouse ROZEWIE (1822-2022)". On this occasion, from August, 1st till 31st August, 2022 there will be 9 special event stations on the air, as SN200R, SN200O, SN200Z, SN200E, SN200W, SN200I, SP200E and plus two joker stations as 3Z200LHR and 3Z25ILLW operating only during lighthouse weekend. Two way QSOs with these stations are included to apply for our /at/ -award. Welcome to the pages of our website at: , there are described in details our award competition, on-line log, /at/ -award download and others information." Rozewie Lighthouse is located on Cape Rozewie, in the Puck district, at the northernmost point of Poland, 55 km northwest of Gdansk. The beautiful tower has the largest nominal range of all the lighthouses on the Polish coast. For more information, follow the shortcut at the centre-left, titled "Nasze akcje" (Our Activities), on
New Band Allocations in Canada

The Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) report two new additions to their spectrum. They gained 472 to 479 kHz, also known as 630 metres, allowed to run a maximum of five watts EIRP, using emissions with a maximum bandwidth of one kHz. They can now transmit on 5351.5 to 5366.5 kHz in the 60 metre band with a maximum of 100 watts ERP, using emissions with a maximum bandwidth of 2.8 kHz. The new 60 metre band portion is in addition to their existing fixed-frequency allocations at 5332, 5348, 5373 and 5405 kHz. The new 15 kHz-wide allocation overlaps the existing authority to use 5358.5 kHz. Canadian Amateurs are unique in having authority to use 100 watts ERP on the four spot frequencies and within the new 15 kHz worldwide segment. Amateurs in most countries are limited to 25 watts or less and may operate only in the new 15 kHz-wide segment. Please note that Amateur Radio is a secondary radio service on these bands.
2024 Olympic Games

On July 22 France's National Frequency Agency ANFR announces that the amateur radio 144,430,1240,2300 MHz bands will be used by the 2024 Olympic Games. REF has issued a statement explaining that the frequency allocations will be phased in not before 2023, strictly limited geographically and in duration.

OSCAR-29 (FO-29 JAS-2) returned to full sunlight, the linear-transponder and the CW beacon were switched on again on the 19th of July, and should remain usable until the middle of April next year. FO29's frequencies of the invering 100KHz wide linear-transponders are 145.900 - 146.000 MHz LSB/CW for the uplink on 2m, and 435.900 - 435.800 MHz USB/CW for the downlink on 70cm. The beacon transmits on 435.7950 MHz CW. FO-29 includes an attitude control system that consists of a sun-sensor, geomagnetism sensor, magnetorquer and data processor. Since 2007 use of the Mode-J satellite is restricted to periods when it is in full sunlight due to power supply problems. Current information about the operational status can be found on .
The Propagation Horoscope

This weekend's Solar wind is at around 400 km per second with a low proton count, and a kP of 2, not expected to rise soon, steadying propagation after a week of critical frequencies quickly changing around the 40m band, causing deep QSB. The 3000 km hop MUF drops below the 20m at night, rising above the 17m band during the day, occasionally climbing to the 15 and 12m bands. Expect to hear louder signals on 17m than on 20m when listening to the Far-East in the the early hours. The last of the Sporadic-E openings for this year will yield contacts on 10m and above, helped by the high pressure zone extending into Central Europe, especially before noon. The Perseids will peak next Friday, listen out for the typical pings on your VHF SSB and CW receivers and catch a reflection off the trails from the radiant in the Perseus constellation.

That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam /at/ for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The deadline is Friday noon. 


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