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SECRET > INFO     13.10.21 03:04l 525 Lines 22721 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: SARL News 10 October 2021 / SARL Nuus 10 Oktober 2
Sent: 211009/1025z @:I0OJJ.ITA.EU [Rome] $:15008SECRET

16 and 17 October 2021 - CQ Hou Koers and JOTA

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Good morning and welcome to the weekly news bulletin of the South African
 Radio League read by ................ [your name, call sign and QTH]

The South African Radio League broadcasts a news bulletin each Sunday in A
frikaans and English at 08:15 and 08:30 Central African Time respectively
 on HF and various VHF and UHF repeaters around the country. The bulletin
 is relayed on Echolink by Johan, ZS6JPL. The audio bulletins can be dow
nloaded from the League website at while the text bulletin
 can be downloaded fromÿÿ7b05a8cba9589bf8d019e5d3&id¦73d838d7&eœe7bd785b. To join
 MailChimp bulletin mailing list, send an e-mail to the SARL Secretary.

In the news today:





Stay tuned for more information on these and other interesting news items.


Have you and your Club already contacted the local Voortrekker Commando,
 Scout Troop or Guide Company to assist with CQ Hou Koers and Jamboree on
 the Air on 16 and 17 October? The Voortrekkers will be running CQ Hou Koe
rs on Saturday 16 October, while the Scouts and Guides will be running J
OTA on 16 and 17 October. To make these events special for the Voortrekker
s, Scouts and Guides, we need radio amateurs to set-up stations at a c
amp site or meeting place and, under their supervision, allow the youn
g people to speak to other young people. Contact Andries Visagie, ZS6VL
 if you want to help with CQ Hou Koers and Richard Hooper, ZS6RKE if you
 want to help with JOTA.


>From 15 to 24 October, IARU Region 1 is holding the last part of the 202
0 Virtual Conference and the Workshop 'Shaping the Future' to discuss the
 future direction for amateur radio. The Conference sessions will be held
 on 15, 16, 23 and 24 October. Nico van Rensburg, ZS6QL has been ele
cted as the chairman of the C2 - Finance Committee, while Dennis Green
, ZS4BS is the chairman of the G2BVN Award committee. This is for the du
ration of the conference. The Workshop will run from 17 to 21 October.

The IARU Region 1 site says delegates attending the forthcoming IARU Regio
n 1 Workshop on the future direction for amateur radio and the associated
 short Conference sessions will already have received joining instructions
. The "Shaping the Future" event is designed as a highly interactive works
hop where small groups of delegates will discuss the goals for amateur rad
io into the future and how Member Societies and IARU can support progress
 towards those aims.

The event is being held virtually, because of continuing COVID issues in
 many countries. Commenting before the event, IARU Region 1 President Do
n Beattie, G3BJ, said "We all know that our world is changing in many
 ways. This event is the opportunity to understand the implications of tho
se changes and map the way ahead for amateur radio, so that IARU and its
 Member Societies share a common goal and a set of strategies for the futu
re, and to resource action plans to start us on that journey. Holding an
 interactive workshop event of this scale is a challenge, but with every
one's help and active contribution I am hoping for a positive and construc
tive output which will shape our work for years to come."
(Thanks to Southgate ARC News)

You are listening to a news bulletin of the South African Radio League.


The e-mail address to submit logs for the SARL 40 m Grid Square Sprint and
 the SARL 80 m Club Sprint has been changed. The (mailto e-mail has been closed, please use 7p8dg@netactive.c ( to submit your log sheets.

Thirty log sheets were received for the second leg of the National Field D
ay, of which one is a check log! Thank you to those participants who fil
led in the log sheet correctly.

Class A: Multi-operator Field Station
1st the West Rand ARC - 227 882 points
2nd the Midlands ARC - 135 050 points
3rd the Voortrekkers (ZS9SPD) - 118 130 points

Class C: Single Operator Field Station
1st the Bloemfontein ARC - 67 020 points
2nd David Kirk, ZS1KK - 3 050 points
3rd Gert du Plessis, ZR6GRT - 110 points

Class D: Single Operator Field Station QRP
1st Johan van Zijl, ZS4DZ - 136 130 points

Class F: Backyard Station
1st Kobus Boshoff, ZS6BOS - 48 110 points
2nd Gerhard Joubert, ZS3CG - 2 210 points
3rd Thomas Ackerman, ZS6TLA - 2 150 points

Class G: General Stations
1st Chris Avenant, ZS6CPA - 24 800 points
2nd Roy Walsh, ZS3RW - 18 950 points
3rd Esme Walsh, ZS3EW - 18 590 points

Check Log - Gawie Hoon, ZS5R

Combined Results of the March and September contests

Class A: Multi-operator Field Station
1st the West Rand ARC - 485 068 points
2nd the Sandton ARC - 244 466 points
3rd the Voortrekkers (ZS9SPD) - 183 520 points

Class B: Multi-operator Field Station QRP
1st the Mooirivier ARC - 21 470 points

Class C: Single Operator Field Station

1st Schalk van Vuuren, ZS1LL - 163 250 points
2nd the Bloemfontein ARC - 67 020 points
3rd Hugo Pretorius, ZS6HP - 64 850 points

Class D: Single Operator Field Station QRP
1st Johan van Zijl, ZS4DZ - 185 140 points

Class F: Backyard Station
1st Nick Dreyer, ZS1N - 120 050 points
2nd Kobus Boshoff, ZS6BOS - 48 110 points
3rd David MacGregor, ZR6DM - 29 450 points

Class G: General Stations
1st Roy Walsh, ZS3RW - 25 430 points
2nd Chris Avenant, ZS6CPA - 24 800 points
3rd the Port Elizabeth ARS - 23 660 points

The complete results were published in HF Happenings 965

Thirty two logs were received for the 5th leg of the SARL Wednesday 80 m C
lub Sprint held on 15 September.

1st the West Rand ARC - 555 points
2nd the Boland ARC - 327 points
3rd the Northern Cape ARC - 292 points

Individual scores
1st Gerhard, ZS3TG - 132 points
2nd Kobus, ZS6BOS - 95 points
3rd Phillip, ZS6PVT - 94 points

The complete results were published in HF Happenings 966

Michael, ZS6MSW asks, "Have you ever thought of stretching your SPEED
 skills amongst your fellow Amateurs, in a way never heard before? Well
, here is a First Never Done Before. Are you ready for the Challenge?"

The idea of the National CW Speed Week is to make as many contacts as you
 can within a 7 day calendar period, the goal is to log all contacts on
 the RaDAR Sport Log, developed by Eddie, ZS6BNE. Visit www.radarops.c, you will need a log-in PIN from Eddie in order to take pa
rt. The PIN allows you to edit your own log if you have made an error.

The criteria for the week will be - CW sent using any paddle or any straig
ht key, nothing less than 20 wpm character speed or faster, will quali
fy you to take part. You will need to declare in the comments column on th
e logging system what kind of key you used - straight or paddle. The Radar
 system self-generates the points, i.e., two QSOs confirmed will yield
 two points each and a QSO without a conformation will give you ONE point
 each, without a QSL confirming a match. So, the idea is to make sure
 your friends actually log on the system, to gain the double points. Dur
ing the week, anyone can at any time, spot who spoke to whom, either
 in text form on the RaDAR system or on a bar graph format on the same sys
tem. Everyone logs in one place; just refresh your screen to spot the late
st happening.

The National CW Speed Week will start at 04:00 UTC (06:00 Cat) on Sunday 2
4 October and end at 16:00 UTC (18:00 CAT) on Saturday 30 October 2021. Re
member log books are kept in UTC time! The activity will take place on 80
, 40 and 20 metres and you may not work the same call sign more than ONC
E on each band.

A CW QRS Week is in the planning for the very new guys from 8 wpm and not
 exceeding 12 wpm. The same criteria as above will apply. The date for the
 CW QRS Week will be announced later.


Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, reports that the solar activity is expected to
 be at low levels. There is currently a single active sunspot region visib
le and there is a small possibility of some minor C-class flaring activity
. If you want to do your own frequency predictions, the expected effecti
ve sunspot number for the week will be around 9. The 10 to 30 m bands will
 during the late afternoons provide some good DX fun.Please visit the webs
ite for further information.

Finally, a diary of some upcoming events:

11 October - The provincial schools reopen and the West Rand ARC m
16 October - CQ Hou Koers and the Highway and Magalies ARC meeting
16 and 17 October - Jamboree on the Air and the Worked All Germany
19 October - The PEARS and Border ARC meetings
21 and 22 October - The Orionids meteor shower
23 October - the Radio Amateur Examination, the Cape Town ARC me
eting and the SARL 40 m Grid Square Sprint
24 to 30 October - the National CW Speed Week
25 October - Submissions for the 2022 Blue Book
30 and 31 October - the CQ WW DX Phone contest
6 November - the RaDAR Challenge
11 November - Armistice Day
13 and 14 November - the SARL VHF/UHF Analogue contest and the WAE
 RTTY contest

To conclude our bulletin, a recap of our main news story:

Have you and your Club already contacted the local Voortrekker Commando,
 Scout Troop or Guide Company to assist with CQ Hou Koers and Jamboree on
 the Air on 16 and 17 October? The Voortrekkers will be running CQ Hou Koe
rs on Saturday 16 October, while the Scouts and Guides will be running J
OTA on 16 and 17 October.

This concludes our bulletin for this morning.

We invite clubs and individuals to submit news items of interest to radio
 amateurs and shortwave listeners, in both English and Afrikaans, if p
ossible, by following the News Inbox link on the South African Radio Lea
gue web page. News items to be included in the bulletin should reach the n
ews team no later than the Thursday preceding the bulletin date.

You are welcome to join us every Sunday morning for the weekly radio progr
amme, Amateur Radio Today at 10:00 CAT. The programme can be heard on VH
F and UHF repeaters countrywide and on 7 082 kHz lower side-band by courte
sy of Louis, ZS5LP. A rebroadcast by Andy, ZS6ADY, can be heard on M
onday evenings at 19:30 CAT on 3 620 kHz.

We welcome your signal reports, comments and suggestions; please send th
ese by e-mail to ( .

You have listened to a news bulletin written by Andy Cairns, ZS6ADY, p
roofread by Paul Johnson, ZS1S and read by ..............

>From the news team, best wishes for the week ahead.


Goeie môre en welkom by die weeklikse nuus uitsending van die Suid-Af
rikaanse Radioliga, gelees deur ________________________ (jou naam, ro
epsein en QTH)

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga saai elke Sondag nuus bulletins in Afrikaans
 sowel as Engels om 08:15 en 08:30 Sentraal Afrika Tyd onderskeidelik uit
 op HF sowel as op verskeie BHF- en UHF-herhalers. Hierdie uitsendings wor
d ook via Echolink herlei deur Johan, ZS6JPL. Die oudio bulletins kan af
gelaai word vanaf die Liga webwerf by, terwyl die teks b
ulletins by'b05a8cba958
9bf8d019e5d3&idða9bf7a52&eœe7bd785b afgelaai kan word. Om by
 die Mailchimp bulletin e-poslys aan te sluit, stuur 'n e-pos aan die SA
RL Sekretaris.

In die Nuus Vandag:





Bly ingeskakel vir meer inligting oor hierdie en ander interessante nuus i


Het jy en jou Klub die plaaslike Voortrekker Kommando, Padvinder groep o
f Meisie gids groep al gekontak om op 16 en 17 Oktober met CQ Hou Koers en
 Jamboree op die Lug te help? Die Voortrekkers sal op Saterdag 16 Oktober
 aan CQ Hou Koers deelneem, terwyl die Padvinders en Meisie gidse op 16
 en 17 Oktober aan JOTA deelneem. Om hierdie geleenthede vir die Voortrekk
ers, Padvinders en Gidse spesiaal te maak, het ons radio amateurs nodi
g om stasies op 'n kamp terrein of vergader plek op te rig en onder hul to
esig, die jongmense toe te laat om met ander jongmense te praat. Kontak
 Andries Visagie, ZS6VL as u wil help met CQ Hou Koers en Richard Hooper
, ZS6RKE as jy wil help met JOTA.


Van 15 tot 24 Oktober hou IARU Streek 1 die laaste deel van die 2020 Virtu
ele Konferensie en die Werkswinkel 'Vorm die Toekoms' om die toekomstige r
igting vir amateur radio te bespreek. Die konferensie sessies sal op 15,
 16, 23 en 24 Oktober gehou word. Nico van Rensburg, ZS6QL is verkies
 as die voorsitter van die C2 - Finansiële Komitee, terwyl Dennis G
reen, ZS4BS die voorsitter van die G2BVN Toekennings komitee is. Dit is
 vir die duur van die Konferensie. Die werkswinkel duur van 17 tot 21 Okto

Die IARU-streek 1-webwerf sê afgevaardigdes wat die komende IARU Stre
ek 1-werkswinkel bywoon oor die toekomstige rigting vir amateur radio en d
ie gepaardgaande kort konferensie sessies sal reeds die aansluitings instr
uksies ontvang het. Die "Vorm die Toekoms" -gebeurtenis is ontwerp as 'n h
oogs interaktiewe werkswinkel waar klein groepe afgevaardigdes die doelwit
te vir amateur radio in die toekoms sal bespreek en hoe Lede verenigings e
n IARU die vordering van die doelwitte kan ondersteun.

Die geleentheid word virtueel gehou weens die voort gesette COVID-kwessies
 in baie lande. IARU Streek 1 President Don Beattie, G3BJ se kommentaar
 voor die geleentheid, "Ons weet almal dat ons wêreld op baie manie
re verander. Hierdie werkswinkel is die geleentheid om die implikasies van
 daardie veranderinge te verstaan en die pad vorentoe vir amateur radio te
 verstaan, sodat IARU en sy Lede verenigings 'n gemeenskaplike doelwit e
n 'n stel strategieë vir die toekoms deel en om te help om ons te beg
in op daardie reis. Om 'n interaktiewe werkswinkel van hierdie skaal te ho
u, is 'n uitdaging, maar met almal se hulp en aktiewe bydrae hoop ek v
ir 'n positiewe en konstruktiewe uitset wat ons werk vir die komende jaar
 sal vorm."

Jy luister na ʼn nuus uitsending van die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga.


Die e-posadres vir logstate vir die SARL 40 m Ruit Vierkant Naelloop en di
e SARL 80 m Klub Naelloop het verander. Die e-pos (mailt is gesluit, gebruik asseblief
 ( om jou logstate in te dien.

Dertig logstate is ontvang vir die tweede been van die Nasionale Velddag
, waarvan een 'n kontrolelog is! Dankie aan die deelnemers wat die logst
ate korrek in gevul het.

Klas A: Multi-operateur-veldstasie
1ste die Wesrand ARK - 227 882 punte
2de die Midlands ARK - 135 050 punte
3de die Voortrekkers (ZS9SPD) - 118 130 punte

Klas C: Enkel operator-veldstasie
1ste die Bloemfontein ARK - 67 020 punte
2de David Kirk, ZS1KK - 3 050 punte
3de Gert du Plessis, ZR6GRT - 110 punte

Klas D: Enkel operateur-veldstasie QRP
1ste Johan van Zijl, ZS4DZ - 136 130 punte

Klas F: Agter plaas stasie
1ste Kobus Boshoff, ZS6BOS - 48 110 punte
2de Gerhard Joubert, ZS3CG - 2 210 punte
3de Thomas Ackerman, ZS6TLA - 2 150 punte

Klas G: Algemene stasies
1ste Chris Avenant, ZS6CPA - 24 800 punte
2de Roy Walsh, ZS3RW - 18 950 punte
3de Esme Walsh, ZS3EW - 18 590 punte

Kontrolelog - Gawie Hoon, ZS5R

Gesamentlike uitslae van die Maart- en September kompetisies

Klas A: Multi-operateur-veldstasie
1ste die Wesrand ARK - 485 068 punte
2de die Sandton ARK - 244 466 punte
3de die Voortrekkers (ZS9SPD) - 183 520 punte

Klas B: Multi-operateur Veldstasie QRP
1ste die Mooirivier ARK - 21 470 punte

Klas C: Enkel operator Veldstasie
1ste Schalk van Vuuren, ZS1LL - 163 250 punte
2de die Bloemfontein ARK - 67 020 punte
3de Hugo Pretorius, ZS6HP - 64 850 punte

Klas D: Enkel operateur Veldstasie QRP
1ste Johan van Zijl, ZS4DZ - 185 140 punte

Klas F: Agter plaas stasie
1ste Nick Dreyer, ZS1N - 120 050 punte
2de Kobus Boshoff, ZS6BOS - 48 110 punte
3de David MacGregor, ZR6DM - 29 450 punte

Klas G: Algemene stasies
1ste Roy Walsh, ZS3RW - 25 430 punte
2de Chris Avenant, ZS6CPA - 24 800 punte
3de die Port Elizabeth ARV - 23 660 punte
Die volledige uitslae is in HF Happenings 965 gepubliseer

Twee en dertig logstate is ontvang vir die 5de been van die SARL Woensdag
 80 m Klub Naelloop wat op 15 September gehou is.

1ste die Wesrand ARK - 555 punte
2de die Boland ARK - 327 punte
3de die Noord-Kaap ARK - 292 punte

Individuele tellings
1ste Gerhard, ZS3TG - 132 punte
2de Kobus, ZS6BOS - 95 punte
3de Phillip, ZS6PVT - 94 punte
Die volledige uitslae is in HF Happenings 966 gepubliseer


Michael, ZS6MSW, vra, 'Het jy al ooit daaraan gedink om jou SPOED-va
ardighede onder jou mede-amateurs in te span, op 'n manier wat jy nog no
oit tevore gehoor het nie? Hier is 'n eerste wat nog nooit gedoen is nie.
 Is jy gereed vir die uitdaging? "

Die idee van die Nasionale GG Spoed Week is om soveel kontakte as moontlik
 te maak binne 'n kalender tydperk van 7 dae; die doel is om alle kontakte
 op die RaDAR Sport Log, ontwikkel deur Eddie, ZS6BNE, aan te meld.
 Besoek, jy benodig 'n aanmeld-PIN van Eddie
 om deel te neem. Met die PIN kan jy jou eie logboek wysig as jy 'n fout g
emaak het.

Die kriteria vir die week sal wees - GG wat met 'n paddle of 'n reguit sle
utel gestuur word, niks minder as 20 wpm karakter spoed of vinniger nie
, sal jou in staat stel om deel te neem. Jy moet in die kommentaar kolom
 op die log stelsel verklaar watter soort sleutel jy gebruik het - reguit
 of paddle. Die Radar-stelsel genereer self die punte, dit wil sê
, twee bevestigde QSOs lewer elk twee punte en 'n QSO sonder 'n bevestig
ing gee jou elk een punt, sonder dat 'n QSL 'n kontak bevestig. Die idee
 is dus om seker te maak dat jou vriende op die stelsel aanmeld om die dub
bele punte te verdien. Gedurende die week kan enigiemand te eniger tyd kan
 sien wie met wie gepraat het, hetsy in teks vorm op die RaDAR-stelsel o
f op 'n staaf grafiek formaat op dieselfde stelsel. Almal teken op een ple
k aan; verfris net jou skerm om die nuutste gebeurtenisse te sien.

Die Nasionale GG Spoed Week begin om 04:00 UTC (06:00 SAT) op Sondag 24 Ok
tober en eindig om 16:00 UTC (18:00 SAT) op Saterdag 30 Oktober 2021. Onth
ou dat logboeke in UTC-tyd gehou word! Die aktiwiteit vind op 80, 40 en
 20 meter plaas en jy mag nie dieselfde roepsein meer as EEN keer op elke
 band werk nie.

'n GG QRS Week word beplan vir die nuwe ouens vanaf 8 wpm en nie meer as 1
2 wpm nie. Dieselfde kriteria as hierbo geld. Die datum vir die GG QRS Wee
k sal later bekend gemaak word.


Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, berig dat die verwagte sonaktiwiteitsvlak laag
 gaan wees. Tans is daar 'n enkele sonvlek groep sigbaar en daar is 'n kle
in moontlikheid van geringe C-klas sonfakkels.
Diegene wat hulle eie frekwensie voorspellings wil doen, kan 'n verwagte
 effektiewe sonvlektelling van 9 vir die week gebruik. Radio amateurs kan
 laat middag goeie DX openinge op die 10 tot 30 m bande verwag. Besoek ger
us die webtuiste vir meer inligting. Nou die dag
boek van gebeure vir die volgende paar weke:

Laastens 'n dagboek van 'n paar komende gebeure

11 Oktober - Die provinsiale skole heropen en die Wesrand ARK vergadering
16 Oktober - CQ Hou Koers en die Highway and Magalies ARKvergaderings
16 en 17 Oktober - Jamboree op die Lug en die Werk Alle Duitsland kompetis
19 Oktober - Die PEARS en Grens ARK vergaderings
21 en 22 Oktober - Die Orionids-meteoorstort
23 Oktober - die Radio Amateur Eksamen, die Kaapstad ARS vergadering en
 die SARL 40 m Ruitvierkant Naelloop
24 tot 30 Oktober - die Nasionale GG Spoed Week
25 Oktober - Voorleggings vir die Blou Boek van 2022
30 en 31 Oktober - die CQ WW DX Foon kompetisie
6 November - die RaDAR -uitdaging
11 November - Wapenstilstandsdag
13 en 14 November - die SARL VHF/UHF Analoog kompetisie en die WAE RTD kom

Om die bulletin mee af te sluit, â-˜n opsomming van ons hoof berig

Het jy en jou Klub die plaaslike Voortrekker Kommando, Padvinder groep o
f Meisie gids groep al gekontak om op 16 en 17 Oktober met CQ Hou Koers en
 Jamboree op die Lug te help? Die Voortrekkers sal op Saterdag 16 Oktober
 aan CQ Hou Koers deelneem, terwyl die Padvinders en Meisie gidse op 16
 en 17 Oktober aan JOTA deelneem.

Dit bring ons aan die einde van hierdie bulletin.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga se nuus diens nooi klubs en individue uit om
 nuus brokkies van belang vir radio amateurs en kortgolf luisteraars in te
 dien. Plaas nuus berigte indien moontlik, in beide Engels en Afrikaans
 op die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga webtuiste onder die 'news inbox' skakel
 nie later as die Donderdag wat die bulletin datum vooraf gaan nie.

Luister elke Sondag oggend om 10:00 Sentraal Afrika Tyd na "Amateur Radio
 Today." Daar is herleiding op 7 082 kHz laer syband deur Louis, ZS5LP e
n verskeie herleidings op BHF en UHF frekwensies regoor Suid-Afrika. 'n He
ruitsending aangebied deur Andy ZS6ADY vind op Maandae aande om 19:30 Sent
raal Afrika Tyd op 3 620 kHz plaas.

Ons ontvang graag jou sein rapporte, kommentaar en voorstelle, stuur '
n e-pos aan ( .

Jy het geluister na 'n nuus uitsending van die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga
, geskryf deur Andy Cairns, zs6ady, geproeflees deur Vivian, Dold
 zs6vd en gelees deur ....................................

van die Nuusspan, die beste wense vir die week vorentoe.

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 You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 1721
Strubbensvallei, GP 1735
South Africa

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