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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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NS2B   > ALL      17.08.21 12:45l 218 Lines 6845 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 24484_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE AUG 16 2021
Sent: 210817/1033Z 24484@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.21

PCL Net Scribe for August 16, 2021

WX4QZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Net Control And Sysop)
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
KO4DJG, Matthew, Florida (First Time Checkin)
NT5R, Charley, Missouri



With Labor Day on Monday, Sept. 6, the PCL Net
will NOT meet that night. Besides, I have
another commitment already scheduled.

A story on ARRL's website earlier today noted
that the $35 fee for US hams for a new, renewed,
or upgraded ham radio license, or a callsign
change, likely won't take effect until early
2022. Go to the ARRL website for details.

I'm supposed to do a license exam session
on August 28. So far, I have 2 going for
Technician, and 2 going for Extra. We'll be
masked up, as it were, due to the spike in
Delta Variant cases of COVID-19, especially
among the young people, and the unvaccinated.
Many areas are requiring masks again...but it
seems the masks and shots are doing little if
any good, in controlling COVID-19.

I made it through the chemical stress test, 
and the echocardiogram. The results are on 
the Patient Portal, but I have no way to 
view them. I guess I have to wait until the
cardiologist calls me...I see him on August
25, anyway. I still don't know whether I need 
to have surgery; the big question is stopping 
the blood thinner beforehand. If I do it too 
long, I risk a blood clot for a stroke or 
heart attack (either which could be fatal)...
and if I keep it going, I could bleed out. 
The phrase "they shoot horses, don't they??" 
comes to mind.

I got a Prevnar (pneumonia) and TDaP (tetanus,
diptheria, and pertussis (whooping cough)) shot
last, I should be good on shots for
awhile. According to the guidelines, I don't
qualify for a COVID-19 booster shot...but I
understand besides the Delta Variant, there's
the Lambda and Epsilon variant. I wonder what
they'll do when they run out of Greek letters??

I ordered a blood pressure cuff measuring device,
a pulse oxygen checking device, and a lanyard for
my COVID-19 card (which was getting dog eared in
my wallet). Amazon should deliver them Tuesday.

The weather has been unsettled, but storms
have brought much needed rain, and cooler
temperatures...but that also means no ham
radio or computer work with lightning in the
area. Meteorological Autumn starts Sept. 1, 
and there are only around 130 days until 
Christmas. Bah! Humbug! (hi hi). More storms
are likely here Wednesday through Saturday.

I was going to order groceries online from
Wal-Mart, but they've moved much of what I
wanted to "in store purchase only", or the
items are "out of stock". I really would 
prefer to get them delivered, and I'm getting 
burned out on the food I've still got, even 
though the icebox is nearly empty...never
mind Mother Hubbard's cupboard being bare.
Yet, I can't afford to eat out every day of
the week, like my brother does. And, when
the weather is bad, I'd rather stay home.
I hate it when you're in one of those moods
where "nothing sounds good", food wise. I may
wait to see what the cardiologist says on
what food I can and can't eat. Yet, I watch
what I eat...from the plate to the mouth 
(hi hi).

I just found out that my FIDONet BBS hub is
having to pull the plug, due to an employment
change. So now, I have to find a new hub, and 
reconfigure 200 message areas.

Bob, I think the delay is they're having 
hardware and software server issues, 
especially on the collection of the fees. As
noted, I've seen hams lay out $100 or so for
a brick of 250 tickets at a hamfest, or buy
a fancy rig, and not bat an eye...but they're
complaining about $35...go figure.

I know where Matthew is...Delray Beach is on
the former Seaboard Coast Line route, now
served by Amtrak and CSX. Not sure if Tri-Rail
serves that area or not.

I saw where you had addressed the message to
ALL@USA instead of ALL@WW -- so I've done that
for the scribe.


With all the smoke we have been hiding indoors 
all week.

I have just been playing around with some Arduino 
projects, picking a few tomatoes now and then, and 
some rhubarb for crisp.

Doing a bit of 40M and 20m JS8, 40M PACTOR in the 
mornings, and even some 80M OLIVIA in the evenings. 
80M seems to have improved lately. 

We are planning a little getaway to Kelowna on the 
25th for our 48th anniversary, hopefully the fires 
won't pre-empt the trip. They are shutting down 
some of the major routes around the province due 
to the fires, and telling people not to travel 
or at least do some planning before going. We're 
keeping an eye on the situation.

The COVID numbers are climbing again due to 
unvaccinated people travelling, at least that's 
what the medical folks are noticing, the new cases 
all seem to unvaccinated people. I figure we will 
have another big shutdown.



Good Evening.  My first time on the net.  Things
are good down here in south Florida.  The 
last tropical storm went around us. So that's a

Thanks for having me. I'm new to packet, so 
wanted to stop in and say hi.  Running through
local 9600 packet station.  KO4DJG back to NCS



Well, not quite world traveler, but more traveling 
than last year, but AM vaccinated.

Returned from Oklahoma last week, girl friend and I 
heading to Alaska coming Sunday, return Labor Day 

Traveling but as careful as possible, with mask etc.

Been hearing some what sounds like HF packet around 
7105 KHz.

Will try connect when return from trip

Welcome Matthew -- happy things ok in Florida



Daryl, so what's the delay with getting the license 
fee instituted? Lack of people due to Covid? Hard 
to say. Speaking of Covid - I hate to be a pessimist 
but I believe we'll not be done with it until it's 
allowed to run it's course. Kind of the hard way to 
go. But may be the only way out.

Hmmm - that might of been an oversight - maybe it 
should be ALL@WW and drop ALL@USA as the latter 
being redundant...

Regarding license fee - the RF spectrum has become a 
monetized commodity - and if we're not paying for our 
usage, I can see it easily removed from our use.

Maybe that's an over simplification.

They'll get your heart fixed up - they have amazing 
technology these days!!

Thanks for being here Daryl, and thanks for scribing!

Rick, I hope they get those fires under control out 
there. I heard tonight that there's severe water 
shortage with the Colorado river. Things aren't good 
out there. Thanks for being here, and 73!!

Matthew, thanks for dropping by! Glad to have you
on with us!!

Charley, I hear Alaska is an interesting place to 
visit. Not sure I'd care for the winters there!  

I haven't done much on HF lately - I keep listening
for a SATERN net I normally checkin to - nothing - 
either they're on hiatus or have gone kaput. I need 
to investigate further.

Thanks for being here, Charley, 73!!


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