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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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WX4QZ  > ALL      14.07.21 09:09l 277 Lines 7654 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 22653_NS2B
Sent: 210713/0106Z 22653@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.21

PCL Net Scribe for July 12, 2021

WX4QZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control and Scribe)
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
KF5TVG, Bob, Oklahoma (Early Checkin)
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada
AB8M, Doug, Ohio
NT5R, Charley, Missouri
N2GWK, George, Kentucky



The weather doesn't like me, or I'm a human
lightning rod (I am a 2 time indirect lightning
strike survivor).

Once again last night, either right before 
or right after a net checkin...never mind 
where I'm Net Control...a close lightning 
strike. At least there was no damage, but 
I had to scurry to unplug stuff. Soil 
moisture wise, the Arklamiss and Midsouth 
is soggy, but much of the rest of the 
country is dry as a bone. We're getting 
cold fronts through here in the summer, 
bringing thunderstorms...and that's very 

The glaucoma potential is lower, and I got 
a good report from the urologist. However, 
the triglycerides and cholesterol are too 
high, and the Low-T is flaring again. But, 
it's cheaper to do individual shots, than 
the pellets in one shot.

They are doing a scaled down version of 
repairs on the bathrooms here after the 
plumbing incident 4 months ago. Since I'm 
the only one here, I've decided to just 
have them repair the main bathroom and 
shower area, and seal off the bathroom 
that caused all the trouble (the water 
is already shut off to the troublemaker
toilet). I'll get a new sink and vanity, 
painted walls (the wallpaper was scrapped), 
a new floor, and possibly a new toilet.

I'll get some money for the depreciation 
value afterwards, but that will go to pay 
medical and insurance bills (no trip 
splurging). The price of lumber and other 
things caused my house insurance to jump 
nearly $750 in cost per year. I am trying 
desparately not to have to sell the car. 

We did an in person VE session Saturday, 
with one upgrade to General (he aced it). 
We're looking at another exam in late August. 
COVID-19 has been spiking here, but I've 
had both shots.

It was like a war zone around here last 
weekend, with the constant fireworks, 
firecrackers, and likely gunfire. I wish 
they could ban those things entirely.
Those with PTSD or high strung pets, are 
in absolute agony.

As noted last time, if anyone wants that 
deal on A.A.A.D.D., email me; my email's 
good on if I can remember to go 
and read the mail, and figure out what night
of the week it is for nets (hi hi).



GE All!

And to catch everyone, lost a power supply on 
the node this morning - I only panicked a 
little bit!  Fortunately, I had a backup 
supply - but need to get more serious about
having a backup computer handy.

Otherwise, the week has been uneventful. We're 
finally getting a little rain - my yard 
appreciates it.

Here's a VE question Daryl - a fellow I met last 
week was a General LONG ago. He took his Tech 
this past weekend and was told if he could prove 
he was a General from years ago, he would be 
re-instated as a General - is that true?  Wudda
thunk he would have to take the General test too?

One of my passtimes is copying HF WX Fax out of 
Boston. But for the last week, I haven't been able 
to hear a copyable signal - that's weird - I've 
almost never not been able to receive them.

Just got an email from Bob KF5TVG - he's eating Tacos 
and requests and early checkin!


WX4QZ Response To NS2B:

Bob, since he apparently has a CSCE for his
Technician license...if he provides a copy of
the General Class license (it sounds like it
was expired more than 2 years, so he had to
start over), he can take the CSCE for his
Technician license (or the copy of it, if it's
in the FCC ULS) to a test his ID,
and pay the fee, and he'll get a paper upgrade
to General, without re-testing. I verified this
with ARRL/VEC.

Speaking of licensing, still no word on when the
$35 fee for "The Ray Baum Act" will take effect;
but I hear it may be "under review", so it might
not take effect after all. It would put a damper
on all those repeatedly requesting callsign
changes (would it be too much trouble if we could
make up our minds??!!).

Got The Taco Man on the log (hi hi).



Good evening Daryl and all on the net.

We have at least four active forest fires within 
20 miles of us, and two that have been put out 
that were withing 10 miles. Most have been due to 
lightning. I guess it's a sign I should put together 
some emergency supplies...the air outside is pretty 

With the COVID numbers falling off, we are now able 
to have our radio club breakfast and coffee 
gatherings, and are no longer needing to wear masks, 
which is a huge relief. 

I hope you all had a great 4th of July.

Other stuff...I just found a 6ft table with folding 
legs to replace my old computer desk/ ham shack bench. 
Picked it up this morning. 

Now to plan a shack shutdown to move it into place.

The bands have not been cooperating again, I haven't 
had a decent morning PACTOR session on 40M lately, and 
nothing on 20M VARA. 

Ok, I guess that's all I have, so BTU Daryl >>>


WX4QZ Response to VA7RBP:

Rick, bummer on the fires and the poor band conditions,
but FB on the breakfasts resuming, and the new table
for the shack.



Good evening everyone. Things are going well here. 
Just super busy with work.

Not sure which message you're referring to, but I'll 
go back and check. :-)

By the way, I'd suggest that old ham now new ham also 
be prepared to tell the VEs administering a session 
to refer to 97.505 and it's laid out really clearly 
with a table. I'm a VE, and I'd have to look that 
one up.  Certainly wasn't at the top of my head.


WX4QZ Response to AB8M:

Doug, it was the message on AAADD, and the Packet Net
Message. As noted, I talked with ARRL/VEC to be sure
on that.

AB8M Response to WX4QZ:

Yup, I got your AAADD email and the other one.  
I forgot them and you forgot I replied to them, 
darn AAADD.  

Anyways, that's all for me this week.  73!  BTU>>>



GE everyone, on the road so request short time, will 

Daryl REALLY good to have you back. Hope doing good. 

Interesting comments re VE stuff. Was involved with 
that in Texas MANY years ago and usually gave code 
exams monthly. One year we did exams on New Years Day.

Have an awesome week everyone 73. BTU Daryl.


WX4QZ Response To NT5R:

Charley, if you're short time on future nets (and I'm
sure that Bob will be amenable to this), let us know
at the top, and we'll get you in for a "one rounder",
then you can secure.



GE to all From Bardstown KY where it is 77.4 F and it 
just quit raining. 

Just got back from our monthly club meeting where I 
did a small show and tell on Winlink for some interested

Winlink net had another good week.  101 check ins last 
week and 98 this week.  Not bad for week # 7 after a 
10 check in number #1. 

Had family in from South Carolina, they just left this 
a.m. Now we are back to peach and quiet. hihi
It may take me the rest of the week to recoup from the visiting.

Need to cut the grass here if it dries up. Starting to 
worry about losing the dogs in the high grass.

Still havent made another hf coax run for the new (ish) 
FT-897D.  Maybe i'll get that done this week also.

Well that's about all that going on down here in the 
Blue Grass area.  73 to all and hope to see you next week.

Back to Net.  N2GWK >>>


WX4QZ Response to N2GWK:

George, I use Winlink Express myself for email.

On the family visits, as Ben Franklin said, "Fish and
Visitors Stink After 3 Days" (hi hi).

My lawn man is doing my grass twice a month, for all
the rain we've had.

Good luck on the hf coax run.


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