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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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LU9DCE > ALL      29.10.20 19:26l 264 Lines 15940 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 38868_LU9DCE
Sent: 201029/1700Z 38868@LU9DCE.TOR.BA.ARG.SOAM BPQ6.0.20

            __    _  _  ___  ____   ___  ____    ____  ____  ____
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           / (_/\) \/ (\__  )) D (( (__  ) _)    ) _ ( ) _ (\___ \
           \____/\____/(___/(____/ \___)(____)  (____/(____/(____/


Country                                  Cumulative Cumulative
                                         _cases     _deaths   
-------                                  ---------- ----------
Afghanistan                              41032      1523      
Albania                                  19729      487       
Algeria                                  56419      1922      
American Samoa                           0          0         
Andorra                                  4410       72        
Angola                                   9871       271       
Anguilla                                 3          0         
Antigua and Barbuda                      124        3         
Argentina                                1102301    29301     
Armenia                                  82651      1243      
Aruba                                    4422       36        
Australia                                27541      905       
Austria                                  87746      1006      
Azerbaijan                               51149      688       
Bahamas                                  6502       136       
Bahrain                                  80765      316       
Bangladesh                               401586     5838      
Barbados                                 233        7         
Belarus                                  94609      965       
Belgium                                  347195     11038     
Belize                                   3200       51        
Benin                                    2643       41        
Bermuda                                  193        9         
Bhutan                                   345        0         
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)         140952     8658      
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba         150        3         
Bosnia and Herzegovina                   41616      1104      
Botswana                                 6283       21        
Brazil                                   5409854    157397    
British Virgin Islands                   72         1         
Brunei Darussalam                        148        3         
Bulgaria                                 42701      1161      
Burkina Faso                             2466       67        
Burundi                                  559        1         
Cabo Verde                               8472       94        
Cambodia                                 290        0         
Cameroon                                 21793      426       
Canada                                   220213     9973      
Cayman Islands                           239        1         
Central African Republic                 4863       62        
Chad                                     1460       96        
Chile                                    504525     14026     
China                                    91772      4746      
Colombia                                 1025052    30348     
Comoros                                  525        7         
Congo                                    5253       92        
Cook Islands                             0          0         
Costa Rica                               104460     1312      
CĂ´te dâ??Ivoire                         20488      122       
Croatia                                  38621      470       
Cuba                                     6678       128       
Curaçao                                 873        1         
Cyprus                                   3817       25        
Czechia                                  284033     2547      
Democratic People's Republic of Korea    0          0         
Democratic Republic of the Congo         11190      305       
Denmark                                  42157      709       
Djibouti                                 5541       65        
Dominica                                 38         0         
Dominican Republic                       125008     2226      
Ecuador                                  163192     12588     
Egypt                                    106877     6222      
El Salvador                              32925      957       
Equatorial Guinea                        5083       83        
Eritrea                                  461        0         
Estonia                                  4465       73        
Eswatini                                 5875       116       
Ethiopia                                 94218      1445      
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)              13         0         
Faroe Islands                            494        0         
Fiji                                     33         2         
Finland                                  15163      354       
France                                   1167701    35243     
French Guiana                            10397      70        
French Polynesia                         6493       26        
Gabon                                    8937       54        
Gambia                                   3666       119       
Georgia                                  33858      253       
Germany                                  464239     10183     
Ghana                                    47775      316       
Gibraltar                                670        0         
Greece                                   32752      593       
Greenland                                17         0         
Grenada                                  28         0         
Guadeloupe                               7474       127       
Guam                                     4384       75        
Guatemala                                105571     3665      
Guernsey                                 266        13        
Guinea                                   11819      71        
Guinea-Bissau                            2403       41        
Guyana                                   4026       119       
Haiti                                    9026       232       
Holy See                                 26         0         
Honduras                                 93966      2633      
Hungary                                  65933      1578      
Iceland                                  4574       11        
India                                    7990322    120010    
Indonesia                                396454     13512     
Iran (Islamic Republic of)               581824     33299     
Iraq                                     459908     10724     
Ireland                                  58767      1890      
Isle of Man                              351        24        
Israel                                   310105     2435      
Italy                                    564778     37700     
Jamaica                                  8787       196       
Japan                                    98116      1730      
Jersey                                   556        32        
Jordan                                   58855      668       
Kazakhstan                               147615     2219      
Kenya                                    50833      934       
Kiribati                                 0          0         
Kosovo[1]                                18302      659       
Kuwait                                   123092     756       
Kyrgyzstan                               57276      1138      
Lao People's Democratic Republic         24         0         
Latvia                                   4893       63        
Lebanon                                  73995      590       
Lesotho                                  1947       43        
Liberia                                  1419       82        
Libya                                    57975      812       
Liechtenstein                            483        1         
Lithuania                                11362      141       
Luxembourg                               14884      147       
Madagascar                               16968      244       
Malawi                                   5897       183       
Malaysia                                 28640      238       
Maldives                                 11567      37        
Mali                                     3515       136       
Malta                                    5685       55        
Marshall Islands                         2          0         
Martinique                               2800       27        
Mauritania                               7663       163       
Mauritius                                439        10        
Mayotte                                  4321       44        
Mexico                                   895326     89171     
Micronesia (Federated States of)         0          0         
Monaco                                   320        2         
Mongolia                                 340        0         
Montenegro                               17186      275       
Montserrat                               13         1         
Morocco                                  203733     3445      
Mozambique                               12273      89        
Myanmar                                  47666      1147      
Namibia                                  12729      133       
Nauru                                    0          0         
Nepal                                    160400     876       
Netherlands                              311532     7132      
New Caledonia                            27         0         
New Zealand                              1587       25        
Nicaragua                                4424       156       
Niger                                    1218       69        
Nigeria                                  62224      1135      
Niue                                     0          0         
North Macedonia                          27827      949       
Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealt... 92         2         
Norway                                   18341      280       
occupied Palestinian territory, inclu... 63164      529       
Oman                                     113820     1203      
Other                                    741        13        
Pakistan                                 329375     6745      
Palau                                    0          0         
Panama                                   129751     2638      
Papua New Guinea                         588        7         
Paraguay                                 60109      1333      
Peru                                     890574     34197     
Philippines                              373144     7053      
Pitcairn Islands                         0          0         
Poland                                   280229     4615      
Portugal                                 124432     2371      
Puerto Rico                              63497      808       
Qatar                                    131689     230       
Republic of Korea                        26146      461       
Republic of Moldova                      72460      1710      
RĂ©union                                 5361       22        
Romania                                  217216     6574      
Russian Federation                       1563976    26935     
Rwanda                                   5084       35        
Saint Barthélemy                        83         0         
Saint Helena                             0          0         
Saint Kitts and Nevis                    19         0         
Saint Lucia                              63         0         
Saint Martin                             542        8         
Saint Pierre and Miquelon                16         0         
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines         74         0         
Samoa                                    0          0         
San Marino                               903        42        
Sao Tome and Principe                    941        15        
Saudi Arabia                             345631     5329      
Senegal                                  15571      322       
Serbia                                   40880      798       
Seychelles                               152        0         
Sierra Leone                             2350       74        
Singapore                                57980      28        
Sint Maarten                             789        22        
Slovakia                                 46056      176       
Slovenia                                 25603      192       
Solomon Islands                          8          0         
Somalia                                  3941       104       
South Africa                             717851     19053     
South Sudan                              2890       56        
Spain                                    1046132    34752     
Sri Lanka                                8870       19        
Sudan                                    13765      837       
Suriname                                 5180       110       
Sweden                                   115785     5918      
Switzerland                              127042     1929      
Syrian Arab Republic                     5528       275       
Tajikistan                               10860      81        
Thailand                                 3759       59        
The United Kingdom                       917579     45365     
Timor-Leste                              30         0         
Togo                                     2187       52        
Tokelau                                  0          0         
Tonga                                    0          0         
Trinidad and Tobago                      5535       106       
Tunisia                                  52399      983       
Turkey                                   366208     9950      
Turkmenistan                             0          0         
Turks and Caicos Islands                 701        6         
Tuvalu                                   0          0         
Uganda                                   11621      103       
Ukraine                                  363075     6755      
United Arab Emirates                     127624     482       
United Republic of Tanzania              509        21        
United States of America                 8611256    224178    
United States Virgin Islands             1351       21        
Uruguay                                  2872       54        
Uzbekistan                               66037      557       
Vanuatu                                  0          0         
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)       90047      777       
Viet Nam                                 1172       35        
Wallis and Futuna                        1          0         
Yemen                                    2064       600       
Zambia                                   16200      348       
Zimbabwe                                 8315       242       

+----------------------   POWERSHELL WINDOWS 10 ISE   -----------------------+

No proper program contains an indication which as an operator-applied
occurrence identifies an operator-defining occurrence which as an
indication-applied occurrence identifies an indication-defining
occurrence different from the one identified by the given indication as
an indication-applied occurrence.
		-- ALGOL 68 Report

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