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[San Dona' di P. JN]

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AL0Y   > ALL      26.08.20 19:50l 29 Lines 2260 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 2102_AL0Y
Subj: RE: Starting up..
Sent: 200826/1847Z 2102@AL0Y.#NNJ.NJ.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.20

!RRR!Hello, all.

I have been reading the great stories of other amateur radio operators and how they started up in the hobby.
I noticed that most of the stories were for people who joined the hobby over 30-40 years ago, and all I can say is that I missed most of the fun.

I became a ham radio operator only 4 years ago. Started as a "Technician" in October 2016, "General" in May 2017, and "Amateur Extra" in September 2017.

My interest in Amateur radio came by accident.
I am one of those who you can call tech savvy, I am into electronics, and I am also a system administrator and a porgrammer. One night, I was watching a YouTube video about tactical gear and survival kits as this was my interest before ham radio, and just next to the video, there was an ad for a walkie talkie that was advertised for 35 miles (~55 Kilemeters) and I thought to myself: I think that is a stretch. 

So, I googled how far can radio waves actually travel. I was astonished by the answers which 90% of them came from hams. 3 Days later, I was taking my license test.

The first thing I started with in ham radio, was handling NTS traffic over voice, and at that, I got introduced to digital traffic and Packet. I kept reading and watching videos about digital modes. 
Coming from a programming background, I was faciniated with the networking capabilities of that and the whole AX25 protocol. the rest is history (short history maybe).

When I got my General and Extra licenses and started operating on the HF, and making contacts all over the Americans, Europe. I got even more attached to this great hobby.

I now operate all bands from 160m to microwave. Voice and Digital (minus CW). Tried Satalitte communication and E-M-E but I don't have a permenant setup for that though.
Also, obviously, I am running a BBS system now along with Winlink RMS gateway on Packet, VARA FM, and soon on Pactor and/or VARA HF, and also a Post office Telnet link to the users of the AREDN MEsh here in NJ, USA.

I also have have an APRS I-gate and Digipeater on the top of Garrett mountain in NJ.

I can't say enough to how happy I am for finding this hobby and making the great friends I now have, through ham radio.

73 you all, and dtay safe!
The newvie in the network, 
Aly (AL0Y)

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