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G4APL  > NEWS     23.12.18 05:32l 270 Lines 12131 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 50708_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main News  - 23 Dec 2018
Sent: 181223/0331Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:50708 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday 23rd December 2018

[Season's greetings from the GB2RS Editorial Team: Elaine Richards, 
G4LFM (who compiles the Main News) and Giles Read, G1MFG (who puts 
together the Local News section). Our thanks to all who read the 
news, whether weekly or on a rota system. There will not be a Main 
News script for 30th December; normal service will resume on the 6th 
of January 2018. Further to our recent consultation we have prepared 
separate Local News sections for today and 30 December; see the Note 
to Newsreaders at the start of Local News.]

The news headlines:

* Final GB2RS of the year
* Last chances to work GB18YOTA
* Worked All Britain turns 50

This is the final GB2RS news reading for 2018 and we start with 
seasonal greetings to all newsreaders and listeners, both over the 
air and via the internet recordings, and not forgetting viewers of 
the ATV broadcast, which is available via several repeaters and 
kindly streamed via the BATC.TV website, as well as those that get 
this news via TX Factor or podcasts. We would like to take this 
opportunity to once again thank all those that read the news, in 
whatever format, for their tireless dedication to their fellow 
amateurs. There will be no formal news reading on the 30th of 
December. [Ad-lib here if you are planning a net under your own 
callsign]. Normal broadcasts will resume on Sunday the 6th of 

Youngsters on the Air month, or YOTA, runs throughout December. 
Jamie, M0SDV will operate the station on the 28th and 29th of 
December. On the 30th it's the turn of Telford & District ARS from 
the 2nd Wellington Scout HQ. If you hear these stations and others 
around the world taking part in YOTA month, please take the time to 
contact the young people involved.

2019 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Worked All Britain Awards 
Group. To mark the occasion, three new awards will be introduced for 
2019 only. In conjunction with the new awards, GB50WAB will run 
throughout the year, along with a number of other regional special 
event stations. This commences on the 1st of January, with GB50WAB 
for two weeks from C62 in Northern Ireland, and GB9WAB for four weeks 
from SK51 in Leicestershire. For more information, keep an eye on

You can now read online the responses from the RSGB and other 
interested groups and individual amateurs to Ofcom's Consultation, UK 
preparations for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019. Go to for details.

As mentioned last week, Sweden's Alexanderson alternator station SAQ 
is planning a Christmas Eve transmission on 17.2kHz. Tuning-up will 
start around 0730UTC and a message will be transmitted at 0800UTC. 
The event will be streamed live on the Alexanderson YouTube channel. 
Two amateur radio stations calling SK6SAQ will be active on the 24th 
on 7.035 and 14.035MHz CW, and 3.755MHz SSB. 

Two more 2018 RSGB Convention videos are now available to Members on 
the RSGB website. Popular Convention speaker Jim Bacon, G3YLA deliver 
his talk on Sporadic-E revisited – is it any clearer? Roger 
Balister, G3KMA speaks about Islands on the Air matters, with the 
announcement of the new IOTA groups and the untold IOTA story. Go to 
the RSGB website at for these and many more.
The RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park will be closed on 
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day. It will 
also be closed for a private event on Tuesday the 15th of January. 
Outside of these times, volunteers look forward to welcoming visitors 
seven days a week, especially RSGB Members who can download a free 
entry voucher for Bletchley Park from the RSGB website.

RSGB HQ is closed for the Christmas and New Year period from 4.30pm 
on Friday the 21st of December. It opens again at 8.30am on Wednesday 
the 2nd of January. In the meantime, if you need information about 
amateur radio, exams or RadCom you'll find lots of information on the 
RSGB website,

The IARU has announced the next annual Youngsters On The Air summer 
camp, which will take place in Bulgaria, close to the capital city, 
Sofia. The Bulgarian Federation of Radioamateurs will be hosting the 
event. The RSGB plan to send a team to the event and applications for 
the UK team leader and team members will be invited in due course.

Worked all Postcodes is an award scheme announced by radio dealer 
Moonraker. Participants need to work as many postcodes as possible 
using a maximum of 10W, any mode, on the 70, 144, 430 and 1296MHz 
bands. Wednesday will be activity night and awards will be available 
for different numbers of postcodes. This all starts on the 2nd of 
January 2019 so keep an eye on the Moonraker blog for more 

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week 

On the 28th of December the Yeovil ARC Table-Top Rally will take 
place in Sparkford Village Hall, Church Road, Sparkford BA22 7JN. 
There's off road parking and entry is GBP 2. Doors are open from 10am 
to 3pm. Light refreshments will be available on the day. More from 
Bob Harris, G8UED, on 01963 440167.

Should you happen to be in India at the end of the year, Hamfest 
India runs on the 29th and 30th of December in association with REVA 
University, Bangalore. It's the largest gathering and festival of 
amateur radio operators in India. For details, see

To get your event into RadCom, onto GB2RS and on the RSGB website, 
please send details as early as possible to radcom<at> – 
we need to know about four months in advance for RadCom. 

And now the DX news from 425 DX News and other sources

Between the 25th and the 29th of December, 4X19HNY will transmit from 
Jerusalem, 4X2XMAS from Capernaum [pronounced k?-PUR-nee-?m], 
4X3XMAS from Caesarea [pronounced key-sa-ri-ya] and 4X9XMAS from 
Latrun. QSL via Logbook of The World and eQSL only.

Chie, 7L3PFH will be active as KH0TG from Tinian, Mariana Islands, 
OC-086, from the 26th of December to the 1st of January. She will 
operate CW and SSB on the 160 to 20m bands. QSL direct to JL1UTS.

Look for JI3DST/6, JS6RRR/6 and JL3YWN/6, operating from Tanega 
Island, IOTA reference AS-032, from the 26th of December to the 7th 
of January. Activity will be on the 80 to 6m bands using SSB, CW, 
RTTY, FT8 and FM. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.

Now the special event news 

The Canadian National Parks & Historic Sites on the Air scheme 
launches on 1st January 2019. Visit for details of 
activations and how to participate. 

Please send event details to radcom<at>, as early as 
possible, for free publicity on GB2RS, in RadCom and online. UK 
special event stations must be open to the public, so our free 
publicity can help make your efforts more widely known. 

Now the contest news

A large number of contests and activity parties take place over the 
next two weeks. Details here will be brief and those taking part 
should check the rules for details.

The UK Six Metre Group Winter Marathon runs until the 31st of January 
using all modes on the 50MHz band.

Between the 26th and 29th of December the Christmas Cumulatives takes 
place on the 50 to 432MHz bands.

The DARC Christmas Contest runs from 0830 to 1100UTC on the 26th 
using CW and SSB on 3.5 to 7MHz.

The Worked All Britain Christmas Party runs from the 26th of December 
to the 6th of January using all modes on all bands.

Between 1500UTC on the 29th and 1500UTC on the 30th the Stew Perry 
Top Band Challenge uses CW only.

New Year's Day sees several contests. The 144MHz FM AC runs from 1900 
to 1955UTC; the 144MHz Machine Generated Morse contest runs at the 
same time. The 144MHz UK AC follows at 2000 to 2230UTC.

Also on the 1st, the IRTS 80m Counties contest runs from 1500 to 
1700UTC, using SSB and CW.

The UKEICC 80m SSB contest is on the 2nd of January from 2000 to 

The ARRL RTTY Roundup starts at 1800UTC on the 5th and runs until 
2359UTC on the 6th of January. It's data only on the 3.5 to 28MHz 

The RSGB's CW AFS contest runs from 1300 to 1700UTC on the 5th, using 
just the 3.5 and 7MHz bands.

The EUCW 160m CW Party runs from 2000 to 2300UTC on the 5th.

Finally, the EUCW 160m CW Party has its second session from 0400 to 
0700UTC on the 6th of January.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO 
on Friday the 21st of December. 

As this report has to take you up until Sunday the 6th of January 
2019 we can't guarantee complete accuracy, but we'll try to predict 
conditions for the Christmas period.

The solar flux index is pretty easy as it looks like it will remain 
at or near sunspot minimum-like conditions. The SFI will be in the 
range 69-72 with no real surprises. Geomagnetic conditions will in 
general be settled although NOAA predicts an elevated K index due to 
coronal holes around the 29th and 30th, and again on the 3rd to the 

We may expect some winter Sporadic-E, with reports of 10m short-skip 
openings to Europe being received already. Otherwise, this is the 
time for low-band openings, with the winter solstice giving us the 
long, dark nights that favour 160 and 80m propagation. Forty metres 
can also often throw up some choice DX, especially in the late 

We've just heard that OF9X is on from Finland again over Christmas, 
featuring three operators aged 18 or under. According to, 20 and 30m may be optimum for a contact during the 
day, moving to 80m at night.

And finally, a reminder that Santa Claus and his ham radio elves are 
on from Romania and are fielding the largest team of activators in 
all the districts of YO. All you have to do is contact at least three 
different YP-XMAS callsigns and they will be able to issue an 
electronic award directly from Santa Claus. HF propagation to Romania 
is optimum on 20 metres during the day, but falls back at night. 40 
metres, or more likely 80 metres will be the best bands for contacts 
after dark.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

It looks like Tropo for Christmas, all because of a large high that 
will develop over the country from Christmas Eve onwards. This will 
bring a temperature inversion, which is good for Tropo, and it will 
cover a large part of the UK and continent. The temperature inversion 
changes the refractive index of the air over a short vertical 
distance and leads to a duct forming that can cause signals to travel 
long distances with low degradation in signal strength. Unlike 
Sporadic-E, which is a rapid transient propagation mode, Tropo is 
capable of providing long-lasting openings. So if Santa has brought 
you a new VHF/UHF radio for Christmas you could be in for a double 
treat with lots of activity to add those new squares into the log 

The short but intense Quadrantids meteor shower peaks around 0200hrs 
on the 4th of January so you'll need to be a night owl to hit the 
peak zenithal hourly rate of 80. 
The Moon reaches maximum declination today and perigee on Monday so 
it is a good week for EME.

As a matter of interest, there is talk of a possible Sudden 
Stratospheric Warming event later this month when the winds in the 
stratosphere change dramatically over a day or so. This can lead to 
colder weather about two weeks later. Additionally, this change in 
the wind regime in the stratosphere may become part of an 
out-of-season pattern, which can favour winter Sporadic-E. It's 
always worth a check over the Christmas and New Year period for short 
skip on 10m and 6m openings.

And that's all from the propagation team this year.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  radcom<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

Our thanks to Andy G4TNU for providing this RSGB feed.
-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro

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